Dover, Pennsylvania
40°01' North; 76°60' West
So, does Focus on the Family's uber-boss James Dobson figure that Sponge Bob Square Pants was created by Intelligent Design?
Because, according to the Intelligent Design and Evolution Awareness Center, an Astroturf Institute if ever there was one, "intelligent design" is a concept that is "a scientific theory" that maintains that "life is not the result of purely natural processes, but that it was in some way designed by an 'intelligence.'"
You got that. It's science, not religion.
The American Civil Liberties Union does not agree, and it is challenging ID's inclusion in the Pennsylvania school science curriculum on the following grounds:
"Teaching students about religion’s role in world history and culture is proper, but disguising a particular religious belief as science is not," said ACLU of Pennsylvania Legal Director Witold Walczak. "Intelligent design is a Trojan Horse for bringing religious creationism back into public school science classes."
It is a stand that makes Bill O'Lielly's outburst on the matter all the more puzzling:
"....(The ACLU) won't even tell you in the statement what intelligent design entails. They won't mention a creator, a deity, a God. You know why? Because the ACLU then can haul them into court and cost them $100,000 to defend themselves. Fascism, fascism, fascism. Okay? Ah, drive me nuts! Hitler would be a card-carrying ACLU member. So would Stalin. Castro probably is. And so would Mao Zedong."
Meanwhile, while the SCLM gives the Circle of Jerks all the attention they demand, people continue to die for no good reason at all.
The Mango Candidate
2 hours ago
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