Thursday, February 03, 2005

Scottie's Nose No Longer Grows.

Washington, District of Columbia
38°53' North; 77°02 West


Because Rovian press secretary Little Scottie McClellan no longer even feels the need to lie any longer.

Exhibit A: Here he his in his latest exchange with one of the very few members of the White House Press Corps with guts, Russell Mokhiber:

Mokhiber: Scott, last night, in an amicus brief filed before the U.S. Supreme Court, the Justice Department came down in favor of displaying the Ten Commandments at courthouses and statehouses around the country. My question is - does the President believe in Commandment Number Six - thou shalt not kill - as it applies to the U.S. invasion of Iraq?

Scott McLellan: Go ahead, next question

If you want more, and more serious, Mokhiber you can find it here.

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