Washington, District of Columbia
38°53' North; 77°02 West
By now the entire Blogosphere has heard all about the waygone right-sided ringer pseudenonymously known as Jeff Gannon who was frequently called upon by Little Scottie McClellan and the Twig himself to serve up super-slow soft-balls during WhiteHouse Press briefings.
And of course, Mr. Gannon's transgressions have been poo-pooed by the mainstream media because of the fact that, while he is a shill, Jeffie only appears to be a shill on the half-shell because he worked for the not-quite-entirely Rovian 'Talon News Agency' (what, was TASS already taken?). But even more despicable is the fact that Mr. Gannon's lifestyle 'issues' have been exploited by the Re-Thug Screamers as evidence that Left Blogistan is intolerant.
But maybe what you haven't heard about is the fact that Mr. Gannon appears to also have been an agent provocateur in the Joseph Wilson/Valerie Plame affair. Specifically, Mr. Gannon was given access to a tightly held intelligence 'memo' that laid out details of Mr. Wilson's trip to Niger that led to the very public debunking of Bush/Cheney's entirely bogus claim that Saddam Hussein had purchased 'yellowcake' Uranium from the West African country of Niger.
If true, and it certainly has been given credibility from Mr Wilson himself in an interview with kOS blogger Susan G., this revelation would suggest that Mr. Gannon has been involved in some pretty 'spooky' domestic activities.
Which got us to wondering....has anybody dubbed this thing 'TreasonGate' yet?
big, biG, bIG, BIG kudos: to former Whiskey Bar patron, and sometime Kate Storm defender, Susan G. for really getting to the heart of this (im?)peachy matter.
Original Link Source: Sir Richard of Cranium
Trump/Vance: fuck the blue
2 hours ago
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