Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Blame Canada


Well, there must be an election coming, and the internal polling must be downright scary for the incumbents, because the American Congress Critters actually did something that helps people today:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. customs and border security agents would be banned from seizing prescription drugs that Americans import from Canada under a measure passed by the Senate on Tuesday.

The Senate voted 68-32 in favor of the provision, with supporters saying the federal government should stay out of the way of Americans seeking cheaper medicines in Canada for personal use. Many Americans import prescription drugs from abroad even though the practice is illegal.

68-32...... from a Republican-controlled Senate?

That's a pretty big swing, not to mention a nice fat whack upside the head 0f the Big Pharma lobby, at least in the short term.

But that doesn't mean that all the dumbness is done because it looks like the Waterheads are still baying at the moon

Exhibit A is from a previously self-gagged Republican Senator from New Hampshire named Judd Gregg:

"It's not an issue of defending the drug industry. It's an issue of making sure that the person who gets that (imported) drug is actually getting what they paid for (and) he's getting something that's safe," New Hampshire Republican Sen. Judd Gregg said.

But don't go away quite yet because, believe it or not, Mr. Gregg actually gets dumber.

Gregg also said the measure would create "a massive hole in our borders and our ability to protect ourselves." He said terrorists could hide biological weapons such as anthrax in prescription drug bottles.

Hang on, gotta go check my kid's antibiotics to see if there's any deadly nerve toxin in there.



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