Sunday, February 24, 2008

Attack Of The Killer Bula Bots!


"??? at I have no clue who this is – a prof or college instructor of some sort -- but clearly not an NPA fan either. Some civic politics, though not as much as other sites. (Have I been influenced to list this blog because it referred to my blog as “really, really fantastic”? You decide.)"


That was a surprising, and unexpected, little tidbit tacked to the bottom of Ms. Bula's post on Mayoral Facebook Friends and Vancouver Civic Politics Bloggers (I was over there looking for Gregor updates).

So for all those BulaBots and the curious Pols that have swarmed over, here are the goods........

Ms. Bula is correct in surmising that I am not a fan of the NPA. However, to be more specific, if there are, indeed, 578,041 people living in the City of Vancouver proper you might not be too far off the mark if you came to the conclusion that 578,040 of them have a more positive opinion of Mr. Sam Sullivan's performance as a civic politician than this particular blogger.


In my humble opinion there are a few more folks with Vancouver civic politics stuff up in the Toobz worth considering that Ms. Bula did not mention.

First, there is SM Holman who, despite the fact that his perch is in Victoria, still manages to post-up nuggets of VanSmackdown Gold like this with some regularity.

Second, there is Picket Boy, who no longer posts, but whose past posts are a vital record of what really went on during Smilin' Sammy's (alleged) Garbage Strike Conspiracy of 2007.

Finally, Mr. David Berner, whom Ms. Bula tagged but did not mention. Personally, while I find that he does occasionally have pithy things to say about politics in our town, I'm much more partial to Mr. Berner's reportage on tennis.

And I would have mentioned the IChing-King, Mr. Ian King, whose insight into municipal politics is top of the pops. Only problem is..... now that he has a paying pro-journo job he doesn't often write about that kind of thing for free much any more (or post-up pictures, apparently, like this).


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