Here is how I kinda/sorta ended the last 'fiasco post...
...Given the BC Liberal Party's complete-and-total legislative stonewall on this matter, the ball is clearly in the public's court.
...Either we, the people, put the pressure on the ruling party that controls this committee, or this Auditor General will be disappeared the way of the Progress Board was disappeared to make sure that there are no inconvenient truths unearthed as the 'Sycophants & Fixers For Christy' start cranking up their big money propaganda blitzkrieg for real in the next few weeks in the run-up to the coming election..
What can we, the little people who don't have a big money blitzkrieg to roll out of our garages at the drop of a hat, actually do?
Personally, I think a good first step would be to read the following, from the folks at Integrity BC who have been pushing for provincial electoral campaign reform for quite awhile now:
...B.C. Auditor General John Doyle has not been reappointed to a second term and will step down later this year.
The legislative committee tasked with appointing the government watchdog was unable to agree on Doyle’s reappointment, a decision that must be unanimous, according to Chilliwack MLA John Les, who sits on the committee."
The appointment of Officers of the Legislature requires the unanimous consent of the Legislature. Among these positions are: the Auditor General, the Conflict of Interest Commissioner, the Chief Electoral Officer, the Information and Privacy Commissioner, the Ombudsman and the Police Complaint Commissioner.
Given the introduction of fixed-date general elections in BC, the term for these appointments should be structured so that re-appoinments or appointments are dealt with by the appropriate legislative committee within six months following a general election...
Sound good (and sensible)?
Well, then, you might want to sign their petition to this effect.
Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,834
1 hour ago
I've signed and sent on the link to abut 100 people. Aud Gen Doyle needs to be kept for at least another 6 years to follow up on his projects to date. And also keep the NDP in line. Would be nice if the NDP could face the electorate with a clean slate from the Aud Gen every year.
And my most heartfelt thanks to you ross... you are doing a service to us, the great unwashed.. the mushrooms who are kept in the dark and fed the Liberal horseshit and are being fleeced, robbed and stolen from by this corrupt ChristlyLiberal MILF Party!! (and the 'Great Visionary Leader' who kicked this all off.
Thanks Anon and Karen!
(and Anon, for me, this is just better, not to mention usually a little more fun, than yelling at the TeeVee/Radio/Newspaper every day)
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