Saturday, February 01, 2014

Hey Paul Calandra!...What Exactly Is A 'Porn Spy' Anyway?


And how do you know about said new media pornographers anyway?

What's it all about Alfie (and/or Neko Case)?


Here' is Stephen Harper's Parliamentary Secretary attacking the messenger for blowing the whistle on the fact that the 'lectronic version of CSIS is spying on Canadians for no good reason at all:

...Mr. Speaker, last night the CBC aired a misleading report on Canada's signals intelligence agency, Communications Security Establishment Canada. These documents were stolen by former NSA contractor, Edward Snowden and sold to the CBC by Glenn Greenwald. Canada's signals intelligence agency has been clear that the CBC story is incorrect, yet the CBC went ahead and published it anyway.

Here are the facts: Before the story aired, CSEC made clear that nothing in the stolen documents showed that Canadians' communications were targeted, collected, or used, nor that travellers' movements were tracked.

In addition, CSEC's activities are regularly reviewed by an independent watchdog who has consistently found it has followed the law.

Why is furthering porn-spy Glenn Greenwald's agenda and lining his Brazilian bank account more important than maintaining the public broadcaster's journalistic integrity?...


Which begs the question...

Was that really Chuck E.  Strawl who acted as the Director (of oversight?) of that latest Brazilian Porn Spy thriller titled 'Up The Public Wi-Fi!'?



West End Bob said...

What d_ckheads these guys are.

Porn-spy, indeed. Would that Mr. calandra had half the integrity that Glenn Greenwald has . . . .

James King, Victoria said...

Whether it was Arthur Porter or Chuckie who was in charge of spook-central oversight doesn't matter. That gang of goofs clearly hasn't had anyone pulling their chain for years. Porter was too busy ripping off McGill Health and Chuckie was too busy scratching Enbridge's back - after all, these guys have to 'make a living'.

Now Calandra wants to criticize Greenwald for being a paid journalist?

Greenwald and Snowden actually have a reputation - sadly the same can't be said for Pee Wee's mouthpiece

James King, Victoria said...

Calandra has quite a reputation himself, according to the Ottawa Citizen:

Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

Not even a Night In Newton would bring Canada's version of what Orwell warned us all about to their senses. Too bad we paid Orwell insufficient heed until the day our Loopy Snoopy governments began listening in on everything - including the keys I am hitting this very moment.