Awhile back, in an effort to point out a few dots that an ambitious young media maven could then try and connect, we took a closer look at the winner of the big Ferry building contract, Flensburger Schiffbau-Gellschaft of Germany:
'This company (FSG) is owned by a tight little outfit called Egon Oldendorff Carriers, also German, which likes to get into bed with a certain Multinational that (mostly) operates out Canada.'
"Canadian Steamships Lines International Inc. (CSLI), a subsidiary of CSL,also operates a fleet of international self-unloading bulk carriers. Most of its ships are in a shipping pool with those of the German shipowner Egon Oldendorff (EO)."
Now, if you remember, the only way that Mr. Campbell's right hand, (no)arms length man on the issue, Davey 'Jones Locker' Hahn, can make this work financially is to get the federal government to waive that pesky $125 million import duty that is supposed to kick in if you don't build the Ferries in Canada.
And you might also remember that Egon Oldendorff's pool partner, CSL, is owned by a guy named Paul who currently resides at 24 Sussex Drive in Ottawa.
So, who wants 3-1 odds, against, that if two things happen this week (Mr. Campbell wins, Our Paul survives) there will be an announcement on that waiver before the end of the month?
Oh yes - in case you missed it, as outlined in the BC Ferries link at the top of the post, the cost of those German ferries that are being used to screw us with our own money is now estimated to be $542 million, not the originally projected $325 million.
Update:You, like us may be surprised to find that the original CSL Corporate link above, first cited by us last August (check Google if you like), that at the time trumpeted the connection with EO, is now dead. Hmmmmmmmm...... But have no fear, you can still find the connection at wikipedia here.
The appropriate response to RFK Jr. is to destroy him
45 minutes ago
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