Don't look now, but....
The $500 million dollar magic carpet atop BC Place stadium seems to have sprung a leak again.
Patrick Johnston, with an assist from a local blogger, has the story in The Province:
Three years ago, on the eve of the Grey Cup, BC Place’s fancy $563 million roof sprung a leak.
Saturday, during the Whitecaps’ miserable 3-0 loss to the Portland Timbers, it seems the roof leaked again.
Rebecca Bollwitt, one of Vancouver’s most-followed tweeters and bloggers, caught some of the drips...
And that was during yesterday's minor-league sprinkle fest.
Given that, I wonder what happened during this morning's torrential big-league downpour.
Maybe Uncle Bob Mackin could check that out.
Then again, they'd probably just make him submit an FOI to find out how the big puddle is at midfield right now.
Subheader?....Well...You know...Casino-Industrial-Complexes and all that.
And, going back a little further I, for one, will never forget how certain quarters of the local proMedia (sporting life division) shilled for that darned carpet made of gold while simultaneously slamming the Dippers for questioning the wisdom of wasting all that money...
Thursday Morning Links
1 hour ago
It will be great when the $Trillion LNG windfall money starts pouring in.
Sparkle Ponies for everyone!
I don't know if it a full LNG plant, they are building in Dawson or a sub station? Wonder just who, will have those jobs?
The LNG plant being built near Prince Rupert. Those jobs were given to the Chinese.
BC's ship building contract, was given to Poland.
BC citizens did not want that idiotic roof, it was forced on us anyway. Not to worry, Christy will take our tax dollars to repair that stupid roof. That is, if she hasn't already blown our tax dollars on some other stupidity?
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