Evan Duggan has the story in the VSun:
Richard Bullock, the former head of B.C.’s Agricultural Land Commission (ALC), wears his firing from the provincial commission in May as a badge of honour.
Just over two months after getting ousted by the government, Bullock, an outspoken defender of farmland and a multi-generation fruit farmer from Kelowna, shared his reflections and vision for B.C.’s farmland with a packed lecture hall at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Richmond...
{snippety doodle-dandy}
....On developing farmland only as a last resort: “I think communities have to have a real look at how they want to grow within their own boundaries. Have a look at what they have for inventory — land inventory — and find places to put it. The one thing I insisted upon was: don’t be looking at agricultural land as the first option for development. Look at it as the last. But it is an option, and that option must be looked at, but look at it critically.”...
{snippety doodle dandiest}
...“One of the reasons I may have gotten fired is because I thought I could lead the charge and get them (the Clarklandians) to move in a direction that they didn’t want to do. I took it as an honour to get fired quite frankly … I really don’t know. There’s probably 100 reasons, but what was the one that tipped the boat? I’m not sure. But I take it as a bit of a sign of honour that we were standing up for agriculture, and certain parts of the province weren’t maybe appreciating some of the things we were doing or did, and there you go. If you push back hard enough and long enough, there’s going to be consequences, and I accept those.”...
A former public servant with the freedom to explain that he did what he did because he believed in the public good because he did not fall into a passel of cushy corporate directorships etcetera etcetera...
Imagine that!
Fire Sale!
22 minutes ago
I hope its not a case of 'too little, too late'! However, it is refreshing to find someone with integrity, and the balls to act on it. If we could only find some more!
Unfortunately, I don't think it would be unreasonable to suggest that those two qualities very likely contributed to Mr. Bullock's removal by the good ship Clarklandia.
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