But doesn't have the guts to go after the MoCo directly...
Here is a link to the GStraight's story by TLupick, which itself links back to a recent CBC story, that Mr. Smart took offense to.
Just in case you've forgotten about the conflictyness 'ruling' by the then MoCo's Ombudspersonage back in the day.
Monday, May 30, 2016
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No evidence? Then why is HO inspired to pik & pek?
When a government allows real estate sales people to join an official delegation actively …. it is actively backing and even encouraging the sale of our own LAND and PROPERTY, and that is NOT expanding business or trade.
That is GREED: selling off OUR people’s birthright … right from under our feet.
Shame on them!
Harv Oberfeld
But it's all just Commercial Real Estate (allegedly).
Therefore, no harm no foul in Clarkland.
Or some such thing.
Some "contacts" are more useful than others.
How does 'exporting' our real estate ownership overseas benefit british columbians? Once upon a time I suggested that the downtown core of Vancouver business buildings should have flags flying indicating the owners preferred country of residency. Today would it be a sea of RED?
Just read VP's review of former B.C. Liberal MLA Judi Tyabji's book - Christy Clark: Behind the Smile. http://vancouversun.com/opinion/columnists/vaughn-palmer-biography-sheds-light-on-what-makes-christy-clark-tick
Two things struck me. No mention of Clark's role in the dethroning of Gordon Wilson as leader of the BC Liberals. No mention of the sweet sweet deal Gordon Wilson got from the BC Liberals while his wife - Judi Tyabi - was writing a 'tell all' book about incumbent BC Liberal Premier Cristy Clark.
SH @ Anon. 5:45: "sweet sweet" deal for the "biographer" too...
"The NDP opposition asked questions in the legislature on Thursday about a grant that benefited Judi Tyabji Wilson, a former BC Liberal MLA who has written a soon-to-be-released biography of Premier Christy Clark.
"Part of this project was to stop sheep hides going into a landfill," NDP house leader Mike Farnworth told reporters after Question Period. "From the answers I heard today, this whole thing stinks like sheep hides in a landfill."
Asked to sum the issue up, Farnworth said, "How is it that the premier's biographer is able to get a grant that ministry staff say is in a conflict of interest, it gets awarded, the government's been told it's a conflict of interest, and then the grant gets increased and it doesn't meet its objectives?"
The grant that concerned government staff was announced in June 2014, about a year before Tyabji Wilson said she entered a contract with the publisher Heritage House to write Christy Clark: Behind the Smile.
Pebble in the Pond Environmental Society was awarded the grant through the Job Creation Partnership, a program jointly funded by the Canadian and B.C. governments. Initially for $128,600, through two amendments it was raised to $181,635."…
ah the sale of real estate, it might not just be residential or commercial real estate, it may be Crown land. We ought not to forget that el gordo sold off all sorts of Crown Land while in office. Those of us from the Comox Valley certainly won't. El gordo sent his then MLA to a corp. in the Valley and offered for sale for the grand sum of $350K a lovely large piece of land many of us thought was a forested park. Alas, it was owned by the Crown and el gordo sold it.
Now once the public became away of the impending sale, there were objections and it went to sealed bid. Corp won with a bid of a million and change and the public who could only raise $650K or so lost. The corp. moved in its logging equipment, clear cut half and most likely made most of its money back and it sits there ten years later still un used. Most likely will sit there for another 20 years before its developed, but the moon scape is ugly.
Now do we really know what is going on with the real estate agents on this trip?. They truly may not be selling residential land or commercial real estate, Christy could have them selling Crown land. Do we really know what goes on?. Its not like the province doesn't need the money. they have to fill that prosperity fund some how. How better than selling off a few thousand arces of Crown Land. We might not find out about it for another 40 years.
Real estate agents have no place on this trip, but when you don't know who all gets to attend these "soirees" at $10K or $20K a crack.....like who had ever hear of a university chancellor throwing a "soire" like this back in the day?
Greed in this province knows no bounds and its being passed off as good business. Wait until you can't find a place to work or live in this province and see how your grandchildren will feel in 40 years?
e.a.f, crap I hadn't thought of that angle.Brings to mind the Burke Mountain "deal".
SH @ e.a.f.:
Some more from the BC Liberal Crown Land Monopoly Game:
And on that second 'sweet-sweet'deal for the biographer and partner of the boffo-fantastico herder of the baa-baahs...
As of April 1st of this year (and no, that is not a foolish Day-O matter, Pebble On The Pond is...
...No more.
SH @ RossK…
There still is the problem of our unaccounted for tax dollars…
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