Well, given Mr. Campbell's reckless decision to gut one of the funding sources that my lab runs on (just like sources for arts, culture, sports, and autistic kids, and recreation groups everywhere), this is the first weekend I've taken a breather since coming back from holidays because I'm scrambling to try and get a few more ever shrinking federal research dollars to prevent layoffs....
It's also the heavy teaching rotation season for me. are a few comments based on my first pass back through the Lotulsandian Bloggodome in a while....
First....on BC Rail - Mary is keeping us up to speed, especially on the latest developments regarding the judge's leaving and her final decision which was not good news for the defense, and in my opinion at least, the people of British Columbia.
Second....Something I forgot to mention awhile back, which is the fact that in combing the Elections BC provincial party contribution stats Sean Holman pointed out (in separate posts mind you) that the BC Lib's four percent victory over the Dippers in the last election cost their supporters an extra $5 million or so..... which works out to just over a million bucks a percentage pont.....Me, I figure a lot of the Big Red Machine's supporters likely figure that was cheap at twice (if not 50) times the price.
Third....Paul Willcocks is still cooking with gas these days....especially enjoyed his comment about Shirley Bond channeling Tina Fey doing Sarah Palin mimicking Tracy Jordan calling out out 'I love you Gordy G.!'....Or some such thing. appears that retirees 'round here are the only ones who are really speaking truth to demonstrable falsehoods these days (and no, I'm not talking about Bill Vander Zalm - sorry Mr. T., but I can't stomach the fact that Wee Willy took immediate advantage of his newfound anti-HST-assisted return to faux-populist popularity to take a spade shovel-type potshot at multiculturalism as the real bane of our existence, or some such codswallop)....One of the codgerly smackdowners of the spin is Harvey Oberfeld.....Another is Rafe Mair who has, unfortunately for all of us, been proven right re: The Silence Of The Sockeye.....Another is Norman Farrell who despite (or maybe because of?) the fact that he has never worked in the proMedia, appears to have a very clear-eyed view of things....
Fifth.....I have fallen behind in the Uke-Challenge Series....But the Reverand Paperboy needs to know this....Bigger E. is getting ready to purchase a 4-stringed instrument of her very own....Might be time to spring for a YouTube account to call my own....
Talk to you all (or as WestEndBob always admonishes me to say, 'ya'll') next week....
And to the Anon-O-Mouse who mentioned my love for all things Buchsbaum in a comment to the canoeing post.....All I can say is......Wow!....
Music Notes
2 hours ago