....The BC Liberal Party Horse Race
(Updatier, Almost Live, WhiteElephantConventionCtr Coverage at the Bottom Of Post)
And, despite a 'progressive' push to harden Mr. Abbott's edge, that assessment has pretty much held, I think.
I also think Abbott is the best nag of a bad bunch of low-end
claimers that are still in the race as they, and their whip-wielding jockeys, finally pass the Old Oak Tree and head for home.
Which is precisely why I do not want him to win.
What the heckfire am I talking about this time?
If Abbott wins, I think the coalition that is the farce that is the BC Liberal party will hold.
Because the Redmeat Yahoos like John Reynolds will keep quiet and won't head back to ConVille like they just might if the FedCon Clowns's First-Choice, Ms. Clark, wins.
And if the man who allegedly adores both Maggie Thatcher AND Ronald Reagan, Kevin Falcon, wins?
Well, it will be a lot of short-term
Scott Walker-type pain for those who don't have massive HST exemptions and
big yachts as he, the architect of a passel of massively overpriced P3's to come that could bankrupt us forever, will finally be able to start dressing in Dame Maggie drag....24/7.....without fear of censure or disfavour.
Which, of course, means that the voters just might wake-up for real, which would doom the BC Lib Party to dustbin forever, even without the FedCon hive-off that a FedLibClown win might very likely precipitate
All of which really means, in my opinion at least, that the worst must win if we, the people of British Columbia, are to keep from really losing in the end.
The real wrinkle in how things would really be run, of course, is likely to be found in the actual racing form that MSM in this province never prefers to the people....Which is that Mr. Abbott may actually be the LibClownCrowd's '1A' Horse. And speaking of 'Claiming Horses of Equal Value'.....Isn't it interesting how the Aquilini's spread their money around pretty evenly to pretty much everybody....Equally.
Update: Les Leyne, in the VT-C puts the potential hive-off by Ms. Clark in a slightly different, more Socred-O-Centric/Old Used Car Salesmannish Boy, sort of way.... Double-Secret Probation 5:00pm Update: So...The computer poll is closed...Which means the HAL-9000 knows right now...Wonder if Paddy the K is 2011's Keir Dullea?... 5:15pm Sat....Pro-Pundit Round-The-Dial Round-Up....The Dean, The Sportswriter, and the Surrey Now Bumbler are all tentatively/weasly calling it for Paddy the K's horse....
5:30pm Sat....Sean Holman is also making the tentative CClark call....Also notes that she was calling Liberal MLA's last night which suggests that her camp has hard numbers....Wonder if there was any arm-twisting going on for post 'convention' positive comments?
5:45pm Sat....Oh crap....The MaceMan, over on the Globe Live-Chat is actually agreeing with the post above...If the convention wisdom follows up on the everything is alright with George, and he wins, we are doomed...
5:55pm Sat...Amazing how little news there actually is to report on this thing despite the fact that there are about a billion proMedia folks all over the thing....Best stuff I've seen so far is Robert Matas' coverage of the TwitVerse...Sean Holman does have a live chat going that is starting to heat up...
5:58pmSat...The AstroTurf King, Jordan Bateman, is on with the Watercarrier and Jill Bennett droppin' his G's and makin' a play for his own leadership campaign down the road...Says PIN's were an issue, and are an issue, but aren't actually really an issue, and we're confident, blah, blah, blah, blah...no legal challenge comin' cause we're all BCLiberals now....
6:01pmSat...KevinKrueger, through gritted teeth is now supportive of Christy...Have the numbers been telegraphed already behind the curtain...
6:03pmSat...Robert Matas, covering the TwitVerse at G&MLiveBlog notes that Mike the Cookie Monster DeJong enters the hall and nobody notices...
6:05pmSat....Actually signs and T-Shirts in the hall now...The faux nature of the 'convention' is palpable...
6:07pmSat....Hey! Harry! It's snowin'!
6:10pmSat...CBC/BC LiveBlog is lamer-than-lame, not even launching....VaughnPalmer is really calling it for CClark now....Says it's his 'sense'....I think he's been leaked numbers....
6:12pmSat....Just gotta say it, because it's been bugging for me a long, long time....Back when the Big Green Bus helped Smilin' Sammy win CClark said, on 'NW....'You can't steal an election in a democracy.'....Here we go... 6:20pm....So much for the CClark slam-dunk 37% first ballot....It will have to go three rounds....Not enough on the deJong table to get anybody over the hump on the 2nd....Finally GMason says they aleady knows who won...
6:22pm...Also means, I think, that there aren't enough votes to keep GAbbott on after the 2nd ballot...
6:25pm...Most importantly....All this means that proPundits were bamboozled by the 'insiders' running the CClark campaign...
6:26pm....Second Ballot....Abbott gone...Where do his 2nd choices go....Enough to Falcon?...I don't think so....Will the 'Progressive' factor put CClark over the top?
6:30pm...The hive will now be splitting off, regardless.....The best man or woman will win....For the Dippers!
6:40pm....Why the heck is the LibBrainTrust waiting so long?....Arm twisting behind the scenes?..
6:45pm....Clark wins easily...Looks to me like the Prog-Rockin' insiders behind the scenes had a whole lotta 'faux GAbbott 'firsts' in their backpocket from the start....
6:50pm....Over at Sean Holman's, Bill Tieleman notes that Patrick Kinsella is back in charge all over again!....Great comment there also from member of the citizenry who asks...Will Pam Martin be the new PAB Uber-Boss?
6:51pm...Guess this means that Alex T's 'source' will keep on keepin' on....Allegedly?...