First, from the corner marked 'integrity' in the Wizards' war room...
Next, Marky Mark lights his pants on fire...
Fine bunch of folks I reckon.
A little birdy tells me that the Keef may have been the friendified cut-out on this 'story'...Does anyone have a link?
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
This Day In Scared Crapless Clarklandia...The Back End Of The Push.
Yesterday, we noted how Ron Obvious, he of the Globe And No Longer Empire Mail, got pushed by Socred/BCLiberal operative Greg Lyle to lower public expectations on polls to come showing the Dippers surging in the wake of the first leaders' debate last week.
We also noted Mr. Lyle's previous tag team efforts with Clarklandian wizard Mike McDonald.
And then, once those Dippers surging polls came out we got the back end from the good Mr. McDonald courtesy Mikey Mike in the Province:
Christy Clark’s campaign war room has issued an urgent warning to her Liberal party troops on the ground:
New polls showing the NDP with a big lead are to be taken seriously. Don’t count on the pollsters to be wrong again. You’re going to have to work for every vote to win.
“This campaign is a dogfight,” senior Liberal strategist Mike McDonald wrote on his daily campaign blog Tuesday.
“I do not discount the potential of an NDP victory. They are tough adversaries.”
The warning from the party brass comes after a Mainstreet Research poll put John Horgan’s NDP on top with 44 per cent of decided votes, a full 10 points ahead of the Liberals at 34 per cent...
Given all this, will the Clarklandians double down and continue to smear Horgan for actually fighting, for real.
Will they throw caution to the windscreen and start blaming Dave Barrett for creating ICBC?
I reckon we'll have the answer about halfway through tonight's debate when the digital warriors of the Klout Klub start bleating.
If you get my drift.
Don't know about you but I sure do enjoy watching the local puffed-up punditry hoist themselves up onto their own evils of insider access petard.
Yesterday, we noted how Ron Obvious, he of the Globe And No Longer Empire Mail, got pushed by Socred/BCLiberal operative Greg Lyle to lower public expectations on polls to come showing the Dippers surging in the wake of the first leaders' debate last week.
We also noted Mr. Lyle's previous tag team efforts with Clarklandian wizard Mike McDonald.
And then, once those Dippers surging polls came out we got the back end from the good Mr. McDonald courtesy Mikey Mike in the Province:
Christy Clark’s campaign war room has issued an urgent warning to her Liberal party troops on the ground:
New polls showing the NDP with a big lead are to be taken seriously. Don’t count on the pollsters to be wrong again. You’re going to have to work for every vote to win.
“This campaign is a dogfight,” senior Liberal strategist Mike McDonald wrote on his daily campaign blog Tuesday.
“I do not discount the potential of an NDP victory. They are tough adversaries.”
The warning from the party brass comes after a Mainstreet Research poll put John Horgan’s NDP on top with 44 per cent of decided votes, a full 10 points ahead of the Liberals at 34 per cent...
Given all this, will the Clarklandians double down and continue to smear Horgan for actually fighting, for real.
Will they throw caution to the windscreen and start blaming Dave Barrett for creating ICBC?
I reckon we'll have the answer about halfway through tonight's debate when the digital warriors of the Klout Klub start bleating.
If you get my drift.
Don't know about you but I sure do enjoy watching the local puffed-up punditry hoist themselves up onto their own evils of insider access petard.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
This Day In Clarkland...Did Ron Obvious Count His Poll Numbers Before They Hatched?
Last weekend Mr. Mason, he of the Globe (AndNoLongerEmpire) Mail, published a piece in which he implied that, even if their (then) slightly favourable poll numbers were to hold, the Dippers probably won't win:
Elections in British Columbia are always an uphill battle for the New Democratic Party and, despite polls putting it ahead, this one is no different.
As the electoral history of this province has demonstrated, a lot has to go right for the NDP to win a general vote. More often than not, triumph is the result of some breakdown in the centre-right coalition that has ruled British Columbia, under a couple of different political institutions, for all but 13 of the past 65 years. The conditions for that type of wholesale collapse are not evident this time around...
Interestingly, Mr. Mason relied on a pollster by the name of Greg Lyle for a big thwack of faux sage-brushed wisdom in his piece:
...While British Columbians are undoubtedly dissatisfied with the Liberal government on many counts, Mr. Lyle does not believe that enmity is deeply entrenched. In his (own) March poll, he asked those surveyed to respond to the assessment: “I am so angry at the BC Liberal party I will never vote for them again.” Just 34 per cent of respondents agreed.
“That is a pretty low number,” Mr. Lyle said in an interview. “People might be upset at the government, but how motivated are they to do something about it? That is the key question. And our poll indicated that the anger level is not very deep, so the Liberals would have to be encouraged by that.”...
...While Mr. Lyle holds the view the NDP is in tough given the significant seat advantage the Liberals hold, he is someone who knows first-hand anything can happen. He was campaign director for the Liberals in 1996, the year Gordon Campbell led them into battle and lost, even though the party received more of the popular vote.
Could that happen again? Mr. Lyle thinks so, but this time it could be the NDP at the bitter losing end of that equation.
“The more likely scenario this time would be NDP wins more votes, but Liberals win more seats because of the distribution of votes among seats,” he said. “What has changed since ‘96 is the Libs have strengthened their hold on rural seats and the NDP have done better in urban seats. So that means, bottom line, the NDP could be a bit ahead in the polls and still lose the election.”...
Why would an old Socred/BC Liberal hand like Mr. Lyle, a most fine fellow who in the past has worked on joint projects with Mr. Mike MacDonald, the Clarklandian insider who also just happens to be the spouse of the current CEO of BC Hydro, have been throwing NDP expectations lowering advice Mr. Mason's way, based on an old poll, at that specific moment in time (i.e. late last week)?
I mean, it's almost as if Mr. Lyle was staring into the heart of some very dark internal numbers last Thursday/Friday that were telling him that the wizards of Clarklandia were in big, big trouble in the wake of the first radio debate.
And then, today, courtesy of Simon Little at CKNW we get....
We’re getting a look at the first set of numbers to come out since last week’s radio leaders debate, and they suggest the NDP has the advantage.
The Main Street/Postmedia poll, conducted April 20-22, suggests despite what some had characterized as an over aggressive debate performance the NDP has built a ten per cent lead provincewide among decided and leaning voters.
The survey pegs the NDP at 44 per cent (+5), the BC Liberals at 34 (-3), and the BC Greens at 22 per cent (+1)...
I, for one, await Rob Obvious' mea culpa with barely bated breath.
Last weekend Mr. Mason, he of the Globe (AndNoLongerEmpire) Mail, published a piece in which he implied that, even if their (then) slightly favourable poll numbers were to hold, the Dippers probably won't win:
Elections in British Columbia are always an uphill battle for the New Democratic Party and, despite polls putting it ahead, this one is no different.
As the electoral history of this province has demonstrated, a lot has to go right for the NDP to win a general vote. More often than not, triumph is the result of some breakdown in the centre-right coalition that has ruled British Columbia, under a couple of different political institutions, for all but 13 of the past 65 years. The conditions for that type of wholesale collapse are not evident this time around...
Interestingly, Mr. Mason relied on a pollster by the name of Greg Lyle for a big thwack of faux sage-brushed wisdom in his piece:
...While British Columbians are undoubtedly dissatisfied with the Liberal government on many counts, Mr. Lyle does not believe that enmity is deeply entrenched. In his (own) March poll, he asked those surveyed to respond to the assessment: “I am so angry at the BC Liberal party I will never vote for them again.” Just 34 per cent of respondents agreed.
“That is a pretty low number,” Mr. Lyle said in an interview. “People might be upset at the government, but how motivated are they to do something about it? That is the key question. And our poll indicated that the anger level is not very deep, so the Liberals would have to be encouraged by that.”...
...While Mr. Lyle holds the view the NDP is in tough given the significant seat advantage the Liberals hold, he is someone who knows first-hand anything can happen. He was campaign director for the Liberals in 1996, the year Gordon Campbell led them into battle and lost, even though the party received more of the popular vote.
Could that happen again? Mr. Lyle thinks so, but this time it could be the NDP at the bitter losing end of that equation.
“The more likely scenario this time would be NDP wins more votes, but Liberals win more seats because of the distribution of votes among seats,” he said. “What has changed since ‘96 is the Libs have strengthened their hold on rural seats and the NDP have done better in urban seats. So that means, bottom line, the NDP could be a bit ahead in the polls and still lose the election.”...
Why would an old Socred/BC Liberal hand like Mr. Lyle, a most fine fellow who in the past has worked on joint projects with Mr. Mike MacDonald, the Clarklandian insider who also just happens to be the spouse of the current CEO of BC Hydro, have been throwing NDP expectations lowering advice Mr. Mason's way, based on an old poll, at that specific moment in time (i.e. late last week)?
I mean, it's almost as if Mr. Lyle was staring into the heart of some very dark internal numbers last Thursday/Friday that were telling him that the wizards of Clarklandia were in big, big trouble in the wake of the first radio debate.
And then, today, courtesy of Simon Little at CKNW we get....
We’re getting a look at the first set of numbers to come out since last week’s radio leaders debate, and they suggest the NDP has the advantage.
The Main Street/Postmedia poll, conducted April 20-22, suggests despite what some had characterized as an over aggressive debate performance the NDP has built a ten per cent lead provincewide among decided and leaning voters.
The survey pegs the NDP at 44 per cent (+5), the BC Liberals at 34 (-3), and the BC Greens at 22 per cent (+1)...
I, for one, await Rob Obvious' mea culpa with barely bated breath.
Monday, April 24, 2017
Big Money Liberal Donor Successfully Petitions US Government To Destroy BC Jobs.
Weyerhaeuser is an American forest products company.
In the last 11 plus years Weyerhaeuser proper has donated more than $230,000 dollars to the BC Liberal Party:
Last fall Weyerhaeuser petitioned the US government to kill forest company jobs in British Columbia (see pg 10 of pdf):
And, today, Weyerhaeuser's wishes came true.
U.S. President Donald Trump said Monday he would impose a 20 percent tariff on Canadian softwood lumber, according to a White House official and two people present when he made the comment at a reception for conservative journalists...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but....
I'm pretty sure the Steelworkers have never done such a thing.
For the record, Weyerhaeuser has given less than 10% of the BCL amount to the provincial Dippers over the same period.
Tip O' The Toque to Dipper Oppo guy Tim Howlett for the heads-up on the Twittmachine.
Weyerhaeuser is an American forest products company.
In the last 11 plus years Weyerhaeuser proper has donated more than $230,000 dollars to the BC Liberal Party:
Last fall Weyerhaeuser petitioned the US government to kill forest company jobs in British Columbia (see pg 10 of pdf):
And, today, Weyerhaeuser's wishes came true.
U.S. President Donald Trump said Monday he would impose a 20 percent tariff on Canadian softwood lumber, according to a White House official and two people present when he made the comment at a reception for conservative journalists...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but....
I'm pretty sure the Steelworkers have never done such a thing.
For the record, Weyerhaeuser has given less than 10% of the BCL amount to the provincial Dippers over the same period.
Tip O' The Toque to Dipper Oppo guy Tim Howlett for the heads-up on the Twittmachine.
Last Sunday In Clarkland...The Photo-Op Finisher.
From Hana Mae Nassar's breathless coverage of a recent double photo-op by our fine Premier posted to the CKWX website:
...(Christy) Clark joined tens of thousands of people taking part in today’s yesterday's Vancouver Sun Run. While she didn’t run the full race, Christy Clark says events such as the Sun Run are a good way to build community....
It is my understanding that Ms. Clark was there at the start and the finish for pictures galore.
As for all that hard work required to actually get through the middle bits?
Not so much
Of course, grandstanding without actually running, means Ms. Clark had plenty of time to spout messages about her 'message' to the attending stenographers without actually having to submit said 'message' to any real scrutiny whatsoever:
...Joined by fellow Liberal candidates, she (Ms. Clark) is nothing but confident when asked how her campaign is going so far.
“I’ve been feeling really good about it, I mean I’m always an optimist. And my job is just to make sure people know what we stand for, what I want to do if I get a second term as Premier and I feel like we’re working hard to get that message out.”...
If that is really the case one can only wonder why the good Ms. Clark was not on McComb's little morning radio show this morning as was the case with the other two party leaders?
From Hana Mae Nassar's breathless coverage of a recent double photo-op by our fine Premier posted to the CKWX website:
...(Christy) Clark joined tens of thousands of people taking part in today’s yesterday's Vancouver Sun Run. While she didn’t run the full race, Christy Clark says events such as the Sun Run are a good way to build community....
It is my understanding that Ms. Clark was there at the start and the finish for pictures galore.
As for all that hard work required to actually get through the middle bits?
Not so much
Of course, grandstanding without actually running, means Ms. Clark had plenty of time to spout messages about her 'message' to the attending stenographers without actually having to submit said 'message' to any real scrutiny whatsoever:
...Joined by fellow Liberal candidates, she (Ms. Clark) is nothing but confident when asked how her campaign is going so far.
“I’ve been feeling really good about it, I mean I’m always an optimist. And my job is just to make sure people know what we stand for, what I want to do if I get a second term as Premier and I feel like we’re working hard to get that message out.”...
If that is really the case one can only wonder why the good Ms. Clark was not on McComb's little morning radio show this morning as was the case with the other two party leaders?
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Where Have All The Stealth LibCons Gone?
Gone to scaredy-cat hidey-holes everywhere.
In Prince George:
AiMHi is presenting yet another chance for residents to hear from candidates running for office in this year’s provincial election.
Spokesperson Fred McLeod says an all-candidates forum will take place next Thursday, April 27, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in the AiMHi gymnasium at 950 Kerry Street.
He says candidates from the Prince George-Valemount and Prince George-Mackenzie ridings have been invited to attend...
...He says the Liberals were provided with four possible dates in mid-March but were told by the Liberal campaign this week neither will be attending.
McLeod says he’s disappointed. “Absolutely, but we will continue without them. The challenges that people are facing are huge and they need to have an opportunity for those challenges to be brought to the fore in an election period and if government candidates choose not to be there I think it sends a statement.”
He says one of the biggest challenges facing the disadvantaged in all B.C. communities is the monthly payment of $1,033 persons with disabilities receive each month. That sum was bumped up $50 a month April 1, 2017....
Now I get it.
They're too scared to face the disabled folks they've been screwing over for 16 years.
There is a name for that I believe.
Kind of makes one wonder what would happen if kids in care, or seniors that need care, or homeless folks organized an all candidates meeting...Heads would likely explode in BCL war rooms everywhere.
And, just in case you've forgotten, the BC Liberal Party candidate in PG-Valemont is none other than RailGate origin story participant Ms. Bond....Shirley Bond.
Friday, April 21, 2017
First Debate Post-Game Wrap-Up....Where's Weaver Now?
It looks like the Wizards of Clarklandia really have gone full metal Lib-Con with their war room.
Even the good Mr. Kinsella, Warren not Patrick, got in on the act when it came time to let fly with the codswallop in the immediate wake of yesterday's usery mouthpiece-moderated debate.
Codswallop that most of the local proMedia herd dutifully rolled around in before they got up and filed their copy.
Interestingly, Nancy Macdonald of Macleans managed to stay out of stinkiest of the crap on the ground and actually came up with something interesting to say after she first described John Horgan's combative nature:
...Yet Horgan’s weakness may also be his strength. Where some see anger, others see passion. Voters rarely see a full debate. They watch it in clips on their Facebook feeds and the nightly news. The point of it all is to make yourself look strong and nimble.
And there were times Clark’s attacks fell flat. In her defence, the party has given her little to work with. The stale and hackneyed Liberal platform, an exhaustive celebration of the government record, contains almost no new promises; this has forced her to try to fight back using the tired, Liberal strategy of drumming up fear over the NDP’s mid-‘90’s record. “It’s April, 2017,” Horgan said at one point, shutting down the attack. “What are you going to do for people today?”...
It will be interesting to see if regular folks do come to see the passion positively as voting day approaches.
Personally, I think they just might especially if Mr. Horgan continues to define himself rather than allowing the LibCons do it for him as happened to Mr. Dix last time around.
Is anyone talking about Mr. Weaver today?
It looks like the Wizards of Clarklandia really have gone full metal Lib-Con with their war room.
Even the good Mr. Kinsella, Warren not Patrick, got in on the act when it came time to let fly with the codswallop in the immediate wake of yesterday's usery mouthpiece-moderated debate.
Codswallop that most of the local proMedia herd dutifully rolled around in before they got up and filed their copy.
Interestingly, Nancy Macdonald of Macleans managed to stay out of stinkiest of the crap on the ground and actually came up with something interesting to say after she first described John Horgan's combative nature:
...Yet Horgan’s weakness may also be his strength. Where some see anger, others see passion. Voters rarely see a full debate. They watch it in clips on their Facebook feeds and the nightly news. The point of it all is to make yourself look strong and nimble.
And there were times Clark’s attacks fell flat. In her defence, the party has given her little to work with. The stale and hackneyed Liberal platform, an exhaustive celebration of the government record, contains almost no new promises; this has forced her to try to fight back using the tired, Liberal strategy of drumming up fear over the NDP’s mid-‘90’s record. “It’s April, 2017,” Horgan said at one point, shutting down the attack. “What are you going to do for people today?”...
It will be interesting to see if regular folks do come to see the passion positively as voting day approaches.
Personally, I think they just might especially if Mr. Horgan continues to define himself rather than allowing the LibCons do it for him as happened to Mr. Dix last time around.
Is anyone talking about Mr. Weaver today?
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
BC Election Campaign Roundup...Week 2 So Far.
Nevermind all this talk about minor league credit ratings (which Laila Yuile deals with very effectively, here).
Instead, take note of the fact that the fine folks that the BC Liberal wizards have hired to run the war room appear to have research in hand that has resulted in their recommending an 'All Christy All The Time' (ACATT) strate(r)gy.
Which means that the campaign is shaping up to be a 'Beyond The Valley Of The Stealth Cons' saga all over again.
Put another way....BC Liberalcannon fodder....errrr....candidates will not be showing up for local riding meetings/debates where they might actually say something which could lead to real problems for ACATT.
Especially if the candidates were to say things that actually make sense compared to the ginned-up word salad being spewed under the ACCATT doctrine.
Spew like.....This.
As Bob Mackin has noted, even so-called 'star' candidates like the good Mr. Darling are running away from such local debates*.
Which has me wondering.....
Are those super-stealthy, voter-suppressive robo-callish-type democracy-mangling machines I can see lurking just over the leaders' debate horizon?
What's a 'Stealth Con' you may be asking?....Well....You know.....Which really leaves one wondering who the true generals are in that BCL war room.
*And/or speeding away from them while driving a corinthian leather-lined vehicle provided very finest of the fine member of the new car dealers' association of Clarklandia.
Nevermind all this talk about minor league credit ratings (which Laila Yuile deals with very effectively, here).
Instead, take note of the fact that the fine folks that the BC Liberal wizards have hired to run the war room appear to have research in hand that has resulted in their recommending an 'All Christy All The Time' (ACATT) strate(r)gy.
Which means that the campaign is shaping up to be a 'Beyond The Valley Of The Stealth Cons' saga all over again.
Put another way....BC Liberal
Especially if the candidates were to say things that actually make sense compared to the ginned-up word salad being spewed under the ACCATT doctrine.
Spew like.....This.
As Bob Mackin has noted, even so-called 'star' candidates like the good Mr. Darling are running away from such local debates*.
Which has me wondering.....
Are those super-stealthy, voter-suppressive robo-callish-type democracy-mangling machines I can see lurking just over the leaders' debate horizon?
What's a 'Stealth Con' you may be asking?....Well....You know.....Which really leaves one wondering who the true generals are in that BCL war room.
*And/or speeding away from them while driving a corinthian leather-lined vehicle provided very finest of the fine member of the new car dealers' association of Clarklandia.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
This Day In Clarkland....A Wizard Exposed.
And 'exposed' by Mikey Mike no less:
Is something really happening here?
Bob Mackin has more on the wizard...Here.
Our archives have more info on past deeds of said wizard, not missed....Here.
Horgan responds in a most zingnified manner.
And 'exposed' by Mikey Mike no less:
Is something really happening here?
Bob Mackin has more on the wizard...Here.
Our archives have more info on past deeds of said wizard, not missed....Here.
Horgan responds in a most zingnified manner.
Monday, April 17, 2017
BC Election Campaign Round-Up....Week 1.
I first had a vague inkling that something might be shifting in the Lotuslandian political zeitgeist in the first day or two after the writ dropped last Tuesday.
Which, to my mind at least, was supported by the following in the Dean's Friday column in the VSun:
...(BC Liberal Finance Minister Mike de Jong) levelled a broad-brush accusation that NDP spending promises would mean “massive” increases in taxes and deficits and a downgrade in the province’s Triple A credit rating.
Maybe. But at first read the NDP plan did not represent all that massive a shift from the three-year budget the Liberals themselves tabled in February.
Horgan would increase program spending by 1.4 per cent above what the Liberals were projecting for the current financial year, by 2.5 per cent in fiscal 2018 and three per cent the next year.
Those increases, for the most part, would finance readily defensible priorities — including a long overdue increase in social assistance, elimination of interest on student loans, hiring more park rangers and conservation officers, and rolling back ferry fares on the smaller routes...
And then, on Sunday, Martyn Brown went for broke in the GStraight in a way I'm not sure I have ever seen in the public prints since I really started paying attention to #BCPoli in 2004:
...The Clark government is demonstrably not working to help make life even remotely affordable for those low-income individuals and families.
It is not prepared to make even those modest investments, to help those who are able to work, lift themselves out of poverty, with meaningful employment that might alleviate or ultimately eliminate their dependency on social assistance.
Again, on this issue, the NDP did not try to outspend the Greens, who propose raising income assistance rates by 50 percent over the next four years. A bold and noble platform commitment, for sure, but not at all realistic, in my humble assessment.
Horgan’s platform is by contrast eminently reasonable and clearly affordable. It offers a welcome first step toward helping those most in need, yet without also unduly and even cruelly raising false expectations of what any new government will be able to responsibly afford...
What, exactly, is that shiftyness thing I mentioned at the top of the post really all about Alfie?
It looks like some of the puffed-up punditry 'round here is starting to look at Mr. Horgan like he is the reasonable, pragmatic one who will really and truly make things happen for all of British Columbia without blowing the place up.
Is the Keef sure to follow?
I realize the Mr. Brown may have an anti-CClark axe to grind, but still...Go have a look at his entire piece...He makes a decent case as a detailed follow up to Mr. Palmer column.
The real interesting thing to watch for in Week 2?....Well, in this vein at least, it will be interesting to see if other herd members start to paint Mr. Weaver as the extremist out on the looney left...If that happens and middle really does open wide for Horgan and the Dippers, I'm pretty sure the BCL wizardarian braintrusts' collective lobb-shopped potato-head will very likely explode.
Subheader ear worm got hold of you?....Relief is...Here.
I first had a vague inkling that something might be shifting in the Lotuslandian political zeitgeist in the first day or two after the writ dropped last Tuesday.
Which, to my mind at least, was supported by the following in the Dean's Friday column in the VSun:
...(BC Liberal Finance Minister Mike de Jong) levelled a broad-brush accusation that NDP spending promises would mean “massive” increases in taxes and deficits and a downgrade in the province’s Triple A credit rating.
Maybe. But at first read the NDP plan did not represent all that massive a shift from the three-year budget the Liberals themselves tabled in February.
Horgan would increase program spending by 1.4 per cent above what the Liberals were projecting for the current financial year, by 2.5 per cent in fiscal 2018 and three per cent the next year.
Those increases, for the most part, would finance readily defensible priorities — including a long overdue increase in social assistance, elimination of interest on student loans, hiring more park rangers and conservation officers, and rolling back ferry fares on the smaller routes...
And then, on Sunday, Martyn Brown went for broke in the GStraight in a way I'm not sure I have ever seen in the public prints since I really started paying attention to #BCPoli in 2004:
...The Clark government is demonstrably not working to help make life even remotely affordable for those low-income individuals and families.
It is not prepared to make even those modest investments, to help those who are able to work, lift themselves out of poverty, with meaningful employment that might alleviate or ultimately eliminate their dependency on social assistance.
Again, on this issue, the NDP did not try to outspend the Greens, who propose raising income assistance rates by 50 percent over the next four years. A bold and noble platform commitment, for sure, but not at all realistic, in my humble assessment.
Horgan’s platform is by contrast eminently reasonable and clearly affordable. It offers a welcome first step toward helping those most in need, yet without also unduly and even cruelly raising false expectations of what any new government will be able to responsibly afford...
What, exactly, is that shiftyness thing I mentioned at the top of the post really all about Alfie?
It looks like some of the puffed-up punditry 'round here is starting to look at Mr. Horgan like he is the reasonable, pragmatic one who will really and truly make things happen for all of British Columbia without blowing the place up.
Is the Keef sure to follow?
I realize the Mr. Brown may have an anti-CClark axe to grind, but still...Go have a look at his entire piece...He makes a decent case as a detailed follow up to Mr. Palmer column.
The real interesting thing to watch for in Week 2?....Well, in this vein at least, it will be interesting to see if other herd members start to paint Mr. Weaver as the extremist out on the looney left...If that happens and middle really does open wide for Horgan and the Dippers, I'm pretty sure the BCL wizardarian braintrusts' collective lobb-shopped potato-head will very likely explode.
Subheader ear worm got hold of you?....Relief is...Here.
Thursday, April 13, 2017
This Pro-Pundit In Clarkland...Show Us The (Real) Data!
Mr. Mason, he of the Globe and (No Longer Empire) Mail, has written yet another conventionally obvious column in which he concludes that, for the BC Liberals to lose, folks in in the 'mushy ideological middle' will have to turn their backs on...
"...a government that has boasted arguably the strongest economy in the country over the past four years, unquestionably the best record of fiscal management among the provinces and an enviable job-creation record..."
I would argue that the three conclusions made by Mr. Mason, above, are not fully supported by the available data (as has been repeatedly illustrated by the digging, graph making and writing of Norm Farrell).
Regardless, consider the following...
Does this kind of superficial analysis from the likes of Mr. Mason even matter if most mushy middle folk, regardless their ideology, can't buy a house, or find their own doctor, or get a decent daycare space, or book a teacher's aide when one is required, or get an ambulance when they need one, or even get a campsite if they don't have a spread on one of the Gulf Islands when it's time for summer vacation?
The point is that a generation ago most middling British Columbians could do all of those things and more. And now, well, a great many of them can't.
And what did all those folks receive in return for giving up all those previously available/attainable things?
Why, absolutely nothing except, of course, a massive tax shift in the form user fees up thewazuk...errr...wazoo (i.e. the HST by another name), a humongous crony-assisted sell off of public assets/treasures/rivers, and the accumulation of a massive pile of real debt that Mr. Mason and his fellow proMedia club members refuse to talk seriously about.
In other words, it's 'Heads They Win, Tails We Lose' all over again.
And there's absolutely nothing mushy about the middle of that big money coin I reckon.
Mr. Mason, he of the Globe and (No Longer Empire) Mail, has written yet another conventionally obvious column in which he concludes that, for the BC Liberals to lose, folks in in the 'mushy ideological middle' will have to turn their backs on...
"...a government that has boasted arguably the strongest economy in the country over the past four years, unquestionably the best record of fiscal management among the provinces and an enviable job-creation record..."
I would argue that the three conclusions made by Mr. Mason, above, are not fully supported by the available data (as has been repeatedly illustrated by the digging, graph making and writing of Norm Farrell).
Regardless, consider the following...
Does this kind of superficial analysis from the likes of Mr. Mason even matter if most mushy middle folk, regardless their ideology, can't buy a house, or find their own doctor, or get a decent daycare space, or book a teacher's aide when one is required, or get an ambulance when they need one, or even get a campsite if they don't have a spread on one of the Gulf Islands when it's time for summer vacation?
The point is that a generation ago most middling British Columbians could do all of those things and more. And now, well, a great many of them can't.
And what did all those folks receive in return for giving up all those previously available/attainable things?
Why, absolutely nothing except, of course, a massive tax shift in the form user fees up the
In other words, it's 'Heads They Win, Tails We Lose' all over again.
And there's absolutely nothing mushy about the middle of that big money coin I reckon.
This Easter Weekend In Clarkland: Good Friday Reminds Us That...
....Our fine Premier has a real problem with basic facts and truths:
Unless, of course, the good Ms. Clark really is telling her loyal and hardworking, not to mention sacrificial, subjects that crucifixion will be their just rewards.
Or some such word salad spinner set-to-infinity-type thing.
The original tweet is from 2015...Reading the responses is hilarious.
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
The Yo-Yo Ferry Fare Conspiracy (ctd)....A Sham Of A Sham Of A Sham Not Even Worthy Of A Sham-Wow.
There is more (much more!) reaction to the BC Liberal Real-Increase/Fake-Decrease on ferry fares 'Say Absolutely Anything To Get Elected' thingy that we discussed the other day in an excellent editorial from the Times Colonist.
Here is their lede (and a wee bit more):
The B.C. Liberals have included a “break” for frequent ferry users as part of their newly announced election platform. The promise is a sham and an insult to island dwellers.
Supposedly, the party will “work with B.C. Ferries to develop a loyalty discount program by 2020 that will save money for frequent ferry users.” It takes three years to produce a discount program?
Until that joyous day arrives (if it ever does), the Liberals have committed to offering “residents of ferry-dependent communities” an income-tax deduction. Please note: We have no idea whether frequent ferry users and residents of ferry-dependent communities are one and the same. No doubt we’ll hear more on that at some future point.
The tax deal works like this: Ferry users will be able to deduct 25 per cent of their fares from their net tax payable to the province, up to a total of $1,000. That works out to a saving of $250 a year.
Really? You’re going to put ferry users through the misery of a complex income-tax manoeuvre to save them a few bucks. Why not just hide $10 bills throughout each ship and let passengers go on a treasure hunt?
It’s clear what is going on here. This is similar to one of those money-back deals that companies offer customers who don’t like their product. They’re counting on most people finding the process too time-consuming to follow through.
That seems (to be) the motive here. The Liberals are dangling a form of rebate, knowing it’s too obscure or cumbersome to find an audience.
Otherwise, why not take the obvious step and cut fares? That would cost actual money...
Put this into perspective together skyrocketing Hydro rates, ICBC rates and MSP rates, all loaded on to the back of average British Columbians, and ask yourself the following...
Will the bait and switch ever end?
Tip 'O The Toque to reader Keith E. for the heads-up.
There is more (much more!) reaction to the BC Liberal Real-Increase/Fake-Decrease on ferry fares 'Say Absolutely Anything To Get Elected' thingy that we discussed the other day in an excellent editorial from the Times Colonist.
Here is their lede (and a wee bit more):
The B.C. Liberals have included a “break” for frequent ferry users as part of their newly announced election platform. The promise is a sham and an insult to island dwellers.
Supposedly, the party will “work with B.C. Ferries to develop a loyalty discount program by 2020 that will save money for frequent ferry users.” It takes three years to produce a discount program?
Until that joyous day arrives (if it ever does), the Liberals have committed to offering “residents of ferry-dependent communities” an income-tax deduction. Please note: We have no idea whether frequent ferry users and residents of ferry-dependent communities are one and the same. No doubt we’ll hear more on that at some future point.
The tax deal works like this: Ferry users will be able to deduct 25 per cent of their fares from their net tax payable to the province, up to a total of $1,000. That works out to a saving of $250 a year.
Really? You’re going to put ferry users through the misery of a complex income-tax manoeuvre to save them a few bucks. Why not just hide $10 bills throughout each ship and let passengers go on a treasure hunt?
It’s clear what is going on here. This is similar to one of those money-back deals that companies offer customers who don’t like their product. They’re counting on most people finding the process too time-consuming to follow through.
That seems (to be) the motive here. The Liberals are dangling a form of rebate, knowing it’s too obscure or cumbersome to find an audience.
Otherwise, why not take the obvious step and cut fares? That would cost actual money...
Put this into perspective together skyrocketing Hydro rates, ICBC rates and MSP rates, all loaded on to the back of average British Columbians, and ask yourself the following...
Will the bait and switch ever end?
Tip 'O The Toque to reader Keith E. for the heads-up.
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Last Night In Clarkland....Chasing Mr. Coleman.
It would appear that Bob Mackin didn't get the memo and/or read the sign on the proMedia Club members' door.
Because last night Mr. Mackin had the gall to chase Deputy Premier Rich Coleman down after a BC Liberal party leaders dinner and ask him real questions about real issues that Mr. Coleman has been ducking, repeatedly, of late.
Mr. Coleman refused to answer Mr. Mackin's questions at least in part because, in his words, 'You never tell the truth about me'.
As reader Lew has pointed out on the Twittmachine, the real story here was the total lack of other 'reporters' present at the really big do....
There is a proMedia 'Club' here in Lotusland?....You bet there is.
It would appear that Bob Mackin didn't get the memo and/or read the sign on the proMedia Club members' door.
Because last night Mr. Mackin had the gall to chase Deputy Premier Rich Coleman down after a BC Liberal party leaders dinner and ask him real questions about real issues that Mr. Coleman has been ducking, repeatedly, of late.
Mr. Coleman refused to answer Mr. Mackin's questions at least in part because, in his words, 'You never tell the truth about me'.
As reader Lew has pointed out on the Twittmachine, the real story here was the total lack of other 'reporters' present at the really big do....
There is a proMedia 'Club' here in Lotusland?....You bet there is.
Monday, April 10, 2017
This Pre-Writ Day In Clarkland...The Yo-Yo Ferry Fare Conspiracy.
The following was the headline from a CBC British Columbia story just over a week ago:
"Welcome to April: higher BC Hydro rates, fares for BC Ferries"
And then, today, there was this from Global British Columbia:
"B.C. Liberals promise reduced ferry fares if elected"
It would appear that one of these things is not like other.
Kind of like those MSP rollbacks that haven't actually started rolling yet.
What a surprise.
Interestingly, as pointed out by Bob Mackin, Global's local news channel did not cover the release of the Chalke report live but they did did go wire to wire with live coverage of the firing of a lame duck hockey coach who wanted nothing to do with the tanking of the good ship Linden-pop.
The following was the headline from a CBC British Columbia story just over a week ago:
"Welcome to April: higher BC Hydro rates, fares for BC Ferries"
And then, today, there was this from Global British Columbia:
"B.C. Liberals promise reduced ferry fares if elected"
It would appear that one of these things is not like other.
Kind of like those MSP rollbacks that haven't actually started rolling yet.
What a surprise.
Interestingly, as pointed out by Bob Mackin, Global's local news channel did not cover the release of the Chalke report live but they did did go wire to wire with live coverage of the firing of a lame duck hockey coach who wanted nothing to do with the tanking of the good ship Linden-pop.
Saturday, April 08, 2017
This Post-Report Weekend In Clarkland...Why Did They Want The Ombudsperson So Much?
Besides the fact that Vaughn Palmer of the Vancouver Sun also called for it way back when why, exactly, did the Wizards of Clarkland want the Ombudsperson to run the latest investigation of the Health Researcher firings by the government of Christy Clark, Susan Anton and Mike de Jong?
It turns out that the explanation is laying right there in Ombudsperson Chalke's report of his investigation (pg 31 of pdf file):
There you have it.
At the 'most basic level' the investigation was kept from public view because it was 'required' and because it was a 'central feature' of said investigation.
Imagine that!
Looks like the one lasting accountability impact aspect of the report may turn out to be an actual documentation of Ms. Clark's statements to Mr. Chalke that turn out to be at complete odds to what she is spouting to the proMedia now....Laila Yuile and Paul Willcocks both noticed.
Besides the fact that Vaughn Palmer of the Vancouver Sun also called for it way back when why, exactly, did the Wizards of Clarkland want the Ombudsperson to run the latest investigation of the Health Researcher firings by the government of Christy Clark, Susan Anton and Mike de Jong?
It turns out that the explanation is laying right there in Ombudsperson Chalke's report of his investigation (pg 31 of pdf file):
There you have it.
At the 'most basic level' the investigation was kept from public view because it was 'required' and because it was a 'central feature' of said investigation.
Imagine that!
Looks like the one lasting accountability impact aspect of the report may turn out to be an actual documentation of Ms. Clark's statements to Mr. Chalke that turn out to be at complete odds to what she is spouting to the proMedia now....Laila Yuile and Paul Willcocks both noticed.
Thursday, April 06, 2017
This Day In Clarklandian Real Estate CronyLand...Was This Big Rich's Plan All Along?
From Mr. Eby's latest missive to the nowhere-to-be-found* Clarklandian Minister of Everything...
Send out the next wave of Deputy Ministers!
*Closed door big money meet-ups excepted, of course.
Speaking of Deputy Ministers not named 'Henderson', how is this for internal uber-apologetic unaccountability?
From Mr. Eby's latest missive to the nowhere-to-be-found* Clarklandian Minister of Everything...
Send out the next wave of Deputy Ministers!
*Closed door big money meet-ups excepted, of course.
Speaking of Deputy Ministers not named 'Henderson', how is this for internal uber-apologetic unaccountability?
This Day In Lotusland...Playing Three Dot Monty With A Land Swap Loan.
Following up on the work, persistence and digging of concerned citizens like Glen Chernen and the Community Association of New Yaletown, Sam Cooper has written a most interesting PostMedia piece on the big downtown Lotuslandian land swap that re-built some social housing (without increasing the stock) while simultaneously 'unlocking' the re-development potential of one of the chunks of (no longer) city land:
...Now, four years after the city gave 508 Helmcken to the developer at a $15-million value, it has been assessed as high as $130 million by B.C. Assessment, and documents show that it could be worth even more at market rates...
That lock sure did hold back a whole lotta moola.
Interestingly, the great unlocking also involved a loan from BC Housing (i.e. your money and mine) that apparently helped facilitate that decidedly un-social (three million dollar apartments for all!), unlocking:
...NDP housing critic David Eby has asked why B.C. Housing, which is mandated to provide social housing, provided a previously undisclosed $39-million loan to (the developer) Brenhill. The loan in 2016 required reporting of pre-sales progress in the luxury tower...
Alrighty then.
With that pre-amble out of the way, let's get on with the game!
Dot #1:
...Bob Rennie was involved in bringing forward the loan proposal to B.C. Housing’s board, while Rennie was a member of that board, in November 2013...
Dot #2:
...Rennie recused himself from the discussion and approval of the funding for Brenhill from B.C. Housing in the deal, documents show. But B.C. Housing officials refused to disclose to Postmedia why Rennie recused himself...
Now, while you keep your eyes on those two dots just revealed, how about we hunt down that all important Dot #3, which has actually been out in the open for ages, all the while being well-polished by breathless promotional pre-sales puff pieces that include money shots like the following from Claudia Kwan, also 'published' in PostMedia's prints:
...“With so many projects, people ask how big the units are, how much does it cost, and what’s the view,” says Tracie McTavish, executive director of project marketer Rennie Marketing Systems...
Game over?
Following up on the work, persistence and digging of concerned citizens like Glen Chernen and the Community Association of New Yaletown, Sam Cooper has written a most interesting PostMedia piece on the big downtown Lotuslandian land swap that re-built some social housing (without increasing the stock) while simultaneously 'unlocking' the re-development potential of one of the chunks of (no longer) city land:
...Now, four years after the city gave 508 Helmcken to the developer at a $15-million value, it has been assessed as high as $130 million by B.C. Assessment, and documents show that it could be worth even more at market rates...
That lock sure did hold back a whole lotta moola.
Interestingly, the great unlocking also involved a loan from BC Housing (i.e. your money and mine) that apparently helped facilitate that decidedly un-social (three million dollar apartments for all!), unlocking:
...NDP housing critic David Eby has asked why B.C. Housing, which is mandated to provide social housing, provided a previously undisclosed $39-million loan to (the developer) Brenhill. The loan in 2016 required reporting of pre-sales progress in the luxury tower...
Alrighty then.
With that pre-amble out of the way, let's get on with the game!
Dot #1:
...Bob Rennie was involved in bringing forward the loan proposal to B.C. Housing’s board, while Rennie was a member of that board, in November 2013...
Dot #2:
...Rennie recused himself from the discussion and approval of the funding for Brenhill from B.C. Housing in the deal, documents show. But B.C. Housing officials refused to disclose to Postmedia why Rennie recused himself...
Now, while you keep your eyes on those two dots just revealed, how about we hunt down that all important Dot #3, which has actually been out in the open for ages, all the while being well-polished by breathless promotional pre-sales puff pieces that include money shots like the following from Claudia Kwan, also 'published' in PostMedia's prints:
...“With so many projects, people ask how big the units are, how much does it cost, and what’s the view,” says Tracie McTavish, executive director of project marketer Rennie Marketing Systems...
Game over?
Wednesday, April 05, 2017
This Day In Clarkland....Ignore Those Wizards Behind The Curtain and Focus On The Real Thing.
Sometimes, the Blog Crawl has absolutely everything you need.
First, advice on how to deal with neandercons and their crony army from my favourite USian denizen of Left Blogistan since the days of Steve Gilliard:
Backed with a recent post from the Lotusland Bloggodome's best, Norm Farrell, that adroitly explains how big money resource extracting donors to the BC Liberals get paid.
First, go read Norm's entire post (it will only take a minute).
And then ask yourself why, exactly, we have a mining ministry that waves pom-poms for the big money donors while simultaneously kinda/sorta (but not really) regulating saidcronies....errrrr...donors.
Who is Steve Gilliard, you may be asking?....The best I ever saw (and/or read).
Sometimes, the Blog Crawl has absolutely everything you need.
First, advice on how to deal with neandercons and their crony army from my favourite USian denizen of Left Blogistan since the days of Steve Gilliard:
"...Ignore their talking points and their spin and focus on what they do and how they act..."
Backed with a recent post from the Lotusland Bloggodome's best, Norm Farrell, that adroitly explains how big money resource extracting donors to the BC Liberals get paid.
First, go read Norm's entire post (it will only take a minute).
And then ask yourself why, exactly, we have a mining ministry that waves pom-poms for the big money donors while simultaneously kinda/sorta (but not really) regulating said
Who is Steve Gilliard, you may be asking?....The best I ever saw (and/or read).
Tuesday, April 04, 2017
This Real Estate Day In Clarkland: Big Rich Likes Reports In June...
....How About You?
A non-response to an FOI request received by the indefatigable Bob Mackin:
June does come after May, right?
One of the things that used to drive me crazy between 2005 and 2009, especially during those heady pre-trial hearing days when all the details finally started barrelling down the tracks (before, of course, the real trial publication bans started pushing the evidence trains back up over the hill), was how the puffed-up punditry, and in particular the Ledgie-Boyz, would constantly say how RailGate didn't matter because the people voted the BC Liberals back into power after the Ledge Raids....Moral of the story...These days, in our fine province at least, the cover-up is NEVER worse than anything, large or small...
Monday, April 03, 2017
This Lunchtime In Clarkland...My How The Conflicty Have Fallen.
Tweetology to a friend(ly?) in the proMedia from the Premier's press man...
What's it all about Alfie?
Well, apparently...
Tip 'O The Toque to the tireless Bob Mackin for this one.
Conflicty before conflictyness in Clarkland was cool?....You bet!
Tweetology to a friend(ly?) in the proMedia from the Premier's press man...
What's it all about Alfie?
Well, apparently...
Tip 'O The Toque to the tireless Bob Mackin for this one.
Conflicty before conflictyness in Clarkland was cool?....You bet!
This Day In Clarkland...Re: The Chalke Report On The Healthcare Working Firings...
...They Already Know.
The money shot from Rob Shaw's VSun foreshadowey piece published today, Monday April 3rd:
...The governing B.C. Liberals, however, do care about how voters interpret what is likely to be a scathing report. The government is getting ready and has a good idea of what’s coming, because the law required Chalke give warning to those who will be criticized...
The point?
The Clarklandians and their Wizards already know how much (or how little?) white will be on the wash.
And you can bet that the media plan is being constructed as I type and/or you read this.
The real key to how damning the report is will be defined by how quickly the speaker, Linda Reid, releases it.
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