....With His Very Own Lede.
To wit:
You can count on every government that has been booted from office after a long stint in power to leave behind a smoking hot mess or two...
You know....
All of this longterm BC Liberal malfaesence around ICBC is, according to the Ron at least, really just the result of a long term in office.
So, I guess there's really nothing more to see here except maybe for the slight effect it could have in the raw politics arena next week.
Which is where Mr. Mason goes in the kicker to his latest Globe and (NoLongerEmpire) Mail piece:
...It will be interesting to see what, if any, impact this has on the Liberals' leadership convention this weekend. Will delegates feel this matter is another reason to choose someone not tied to the last government?...
Sorry, but I just have to ask...
Why would (or should) the BC Liberal 'delegates' hold their 'leaders' accountable on this count if the fine folks in the local proMedia can't be bothered to do so?
Next, how about we dig a little deeper into the buried guts of Mr. Mason's piece.
Mr. Mason does point out that the BC Liberals ignored reports that this is a situation that needed fixing since at least 2014.
They also refused to consider moving forward with needed fixes to the correct the problem:
...The (independent 2014) report recommended putting firm caps on awards for soft tissue injuries as a way of getting the corporation's costs under control. The Liberals dismissed the suggestion out of hand...
Given that, why will he not connect the dots and ask...
Why didn't the BC Liberals move to correct the identified problem way back when?
Is it possible that the answer to that question might be that correcting (or even acknowledging) the problem years ago would have forced the BC Liberals to stop taking gobs of money out of ICBC that they were using to help float their phony budget surpluses?
So (again), why won't the likes of
Mr. Smyth,
Mr. Leyne,
Mr. Palmer and/or
Mr. Mason ask the key question about 'why' the BC Liberals did what they did?
After all it's not like 'why' is not one of the
five 'W's' of journalism or anything.
I have a theory on why the 'why' question is not being asked....Feel free to throw in your two cents in the comments if you like.
Now, some amongst you might think I'm being a little too hard on the Globe's left coast political columnist...In response I would ask you to recall that it was this same columnist who was upset that we British Columbians just didn't seem to care about super-secret big money political donations being funnelled into BC Liberal party war chests until that stringer from the NYTimes named Levin made it clear that the problem with all this much, much, much more than just the 'obvious' bad-optics that we kept reading about in pieces in the Globe and Postmedia...In other words, the public opinion needle only moved when a proMedia outlet from far away published pieces that held the BC Liberals accountable for their actions...OK?