Given all the belt-tightening and stealth HST-type tax shifting going on around here (see Hydro/ICBC/MSP cash grabs, for example), what would the Snooklandians do if they had an extra $120 mill or so floating around free?
Would they use it to take fare of that BC Ferries operating shortfall?
Would they use it to put more special needs teachers in classrooms?
Would they use it help cash-strapped school boards to actually, you know, heat schools?
Would they use it to help pay for wheelchairs for the elderly?
Would they use it to rebuild a real jobs apprenticeship, rather than a facebook click-driver, program?
Would they use it make sure that the adult disabled are not thrown out on the street?
Would they use it allow social workers to by an 'extra' holiday gift for kids who need our help most?
Of course not.
Well, because there are, it would appear, cronies to be taken care of.
How do we know this?
Because one of the cheerleaders for said cronies, a very fine publication called 'Energy Global' tells us it is thus:
To stimulate job creation and industry growth in the oil and gas sector, British Columbia will make available $120 million in royalties for new road and pipeline projects under the Infrastructure Royalty Credit Program (IRCP).
New investments in infrastructure projects will increase industry’s access to abundant resource areas, and support work in exploration and production, providing well-paying jobs and business opportunities in northeast British Columbia...
But, some of you might be saying to yourselves... It is the cronies in the resource sector that are generating all that preSparklePony revenue around here that is keeping us afloat right now, isn't it?....Well....Actually, as Norm Farrell has demonstrated by actually looking at real government revenue numbers....No.
Tip-O-The-Touque to Premier 'B' on the Twittmachine for the heads-up on the clarion call of cheerleader...
It's Not a "Restructuring". It's a Pillage.
33 minutes ago