Music Notes
2 hours ago
'The status quo would like you to believe that it is immutable.' Rebecca Solnit
...(Ms.) Woods was President (Richard) Nixon's personal secretary, the same position she held from the time he hired her until the end of his lengthy political career.
Fiercely loyal to Nixon, Woods claimed responsibility in a 1974 grand jury testimony for inadvertently erasing up to five minutes of the 18 1⁄2 minute gap in a June 20, 1972, audio tape. Her demonstration of how this might have occurred—which depended upon her stretching to simultaneously press controls several feet apart (what the press dubbed the "Rose Mary Stretch")—was met with skepticism from those who believed the erasures, from whatever source, to be deliberate.
An expert analysis of the tapes, conducted in January 1974, revealed that there were four or five separate erasures. Later forensic analysis in 2003 determined that the tape had been erased in several segments—at least five, and perhaps as many as nine. The contents of the gap remain unknown...
...Internal White House records from the day of the attack on the U.S. Capitol that were turned over to the House select committee show a gap in President Donald Trump’s phone logs of seven hours and 37 minutes, including the period when the building was being violently assaulted, according to documents obtained by The Washington Post and CBS News...
...After last year's election, (Jagmeet) Singh again floated the possibility of closer cooperation, while apparently seeing it as futile to even suggest a formal confidence agreement. But even with that lesser possibility on the table, the Libs expressed at most "not a closure" in response, with nothing coming of it until talks between the leaders this year.
And lest there be any doubt, that disparity in interest in working together is all too familiar for anybody who has hoped that Libs would treat minority Parliaments as opportunities to achieve progressive outcomes. From Paul Martin sneering that Jack Layton was "two votes short" of being worth talking to, to Pierre Trudeau torpedoing a functional confidence arrangement to manufacture a majority for himself, the history of the two parties is rife with theoretical possibilities which fell victim to the Libs' hubris and/or self-interest.
Needless to say, that leaves reason for concern that the same factors will affect both the length of time the current agreement figures to hold up, and the expectations as to what will be achieved while it does. And while the points of agreement may make some major achievements seem like real possibilities, there's a lot of work to be done to keep pushing toward actually bringing them to life before the Libs decide to go it alone.
...In a leaked recording of a meeting with caucus staff on Tuesday, Premier Jason Kenney warned a far-right element – skeptical of coronavirus measures and wedded to conspiracy theories – could seize control of the party in the coming weeks as the United Conservatives hold a leadership review.
“I will not let this mainstream conservative party become an agent for extreme, hateful, intolerant, bigoted and crazy views. Sorry to be so blunt with you but you need to understand what the stakes are here,” he said, before alluding to the baseless QAnon conspiracy theory with a warning that “people who think I am involved in a global conspiracy to traffic children” would show up to vote for his removal...
The latest on Paulie Walnuts, via the AP:
Former Trump adviser Paul Manafort was removed from a plane at Miami International Airport before it took off for Dubai because he carried a revoked passport, officials said Wednesday...
...Manafort, 72, led former President Donald Trump’s campaign for several months during the 2016 presidential race but was ousted in August of that year after revelations about his business dealings in Ukraine.
He was later indicted on a broad array of financial crimes as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia. He was convicted by a jury in August 2018 and later pleaded guilty in federal court in Washington.
...(F)ormer Quebec premier Jean Charest, said this "coalition" is "further proof that the Trudeau Liberals govern for themselves — not for Canadians.
"They will stop at nothing to keep power, even if it means buying themselves a majority," Charest said in a statement. "Canadians deserve adult leadership, not juvenile political theatre."...
The Clash have given their blessing to a new version of their song London Calling by a Ukrainian punk band called Beton. Kyiv Calling, recorded near the frontline, has lyrics that call upon the rest of the world to support the defence of the country from Russian invaders.
All proceeds of what is now billed as a “war anthem” will go to the Free Ukraine Resistance Movement (FURM) to help fund a shared communications system that will alert the population to threats and lobby for international support...
While speaking at an unrelated news conference (last) Friday (March 11th), Horgan said the province is ready to get rid of the seasonal time change once neighbouring states in the U.S. change their policies too...
Senators caught most of America by surprise on Tuesday when they unanimously passed a bill that would make daylight saving time permanent nationwide...
...One Senate source with knowledge of the situation said Sen. Tom Cotton vehemently opposes making daylight saving time permanent.
“No comment,” Cotton told BuzzFeed News when asked if he opposed the bill.
The source said that Cotton would have objected to the unanimous consent request, but his staff never told him it was happening.
“No comment,” Cotton told BuzzFeed News when asked why he didn’t object to the bill.
...Asked to re-create his reaction to the news, Sen. Chris Coons issued a series of shocked stammers that is impossible to phonetically translate...
...Any single senator could have blocked the daylight saving bill from passing but many didn’t know it was even happening. Sen. Rick Scott, a permanent daylight saving time proponent who signed a similar bill into law when he was governor of Florida, said he would have gone to give a speech on the Senate floor if he had known...
The Vancouver Police Department has won its appeal to the B.C. government to receive $5.7 million in funding that it was denied in the city's 2021 budget.
The police board received a ruling in writing Monday from (former RCMP assistant commissioner) Wayne Rideout, (the current provincial) assistant deputy minister and director of police services, ordering the money be restored.
The board had appealed a December 2020 vote by Vancouver city council to freeze police funding in the 2021 city budget...
...The Police Act says non-elected police boards don’t have to accept budget decisions by city councils. They can appeal them to the provincial director of police services — Rideout — who rules on what projects taxpayers must fund, how many new officers departments can hire and policing priorities...
...The police boards can have up to nine members. The mayor is chair, and can only vote to break a tie. Council can name one member. And the rest are appointed by the province.
The boards — with no public accountability — hire and fire the police chief, sets priorities and the police budget. The board can consider council’s priorities or community concerns. But it makes the decisions.
And if there’s a conflict, the director of police services rules...
...(O)ther jurisdictions have struck a better balance. Ontario gives city councils in larger municipalities the ability to appoint a majority of police board members. Disputes between police boards and councils go to the Ontario Civilian Police Commission, an independent tribunal...
There is a chance of change in B.C. An all-party committee of MLAs has been reviewing the Police Act and will deliver recommendations for change...
On December 14, 1939, the League of Nations, the international peacekeeping organization formed at the end of World War I, expels the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in response to the Soviets’ invasion of Finland on November 30...