Greg Morrow has analysis you just won't find in the tradMedia.
Late yesterday he reported the following re: the 'resignation' of NDP candidate Julian West in Saanich and The Islands:
I have also confirmed with my sources that indeed, West will be listed as the NDP candidate in Saanich-Gulf Islands. Since half the NDP supporters will vote for him anyway, his resignation probably doesn’t change the race that much.
The discussion over at Greg's is also really vigorous. I don't agree that this won't change things, as, based on last time out, half of the NDP turnout would be ~10%, which is huge in that riding.
Some say it will break Green...... I say it will mostly break Lib/Penn/kinda/sorta/Green.
Regardless, one thing is clear - very little, probably <0.01% will break to the Minister Responsible For Blowin' Things Up Real Good, Gary Lunn.
The appropriate response to RFK Jr. is to destroy him
30 minutes ago
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