Friday, September 26, 2008

Well, At Least It's Not One Of Those Lousy Eatmores.....


I don't know about you, but when I was a kid the Eatmores were always the very last candy bar out of the Halloween bag.

Because they were, in my opinion, excreable.

But here's the thing.....

For me, at least, Mr Big bars were not far behind.

In contrast, Mr. George W. Bush seems to like 'em really, really Big.

Here's the way he just describe the big bailout of all the big fat fat cats who badly need a really big handout:

"(O)ur proposal is a big proposal.... (and) the reason it's big is that we've got a big problem,"

Brilliant that, eh?

Heckfire, almost smarter than, say, this guy, who also thinks big stuff is 'neat':

Meanwhile, the latest is that Mr. John McCain has joined forces with the whack-a-doodle contingent to kill the big bill so that Ms. Palin has time to come up with something even more stupider.

Which means that, and here's the bizarre part if you really think about it, it would appear that the American people would have been better of if, instead of 'suspending' his campaign to make the crisis worse, he had just gone on Letterman instead.

Oh, and for the recored, Mr. Bush also said that putting together that really big thing was, you guessed it, 'hard work'. Ya, sure. Maybe he should fly to Seattle and tell that to the tellers takin' the heat at WaMu.


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