The latest, from the Globe's Mark Hume, suggests that the Director of Gordon Campbell's Ministry of Information Retrieval.....errrrr.... 'Messaging And Collaboration Services', Ms. Rosmarie Hayes, may have actually tried to stop the contracted-out IT shop from destroying the RailGate Tapes after she first directed the very same company to destroy them.
Or some such crazy, mixed-up thing:
"....In a story Thursday , the Globe reported the affidavit filed by Ms. Hayes states her department in May ordered EDS to expunge the tapes created prior to 2004, then later requested the material not be disposed of. Because all the affidavits filed with court Thursday were sealed, it remains unclear exactly what directives were given, when and by whom....."
What also remains unclear as mud is whether the files were, indeed, really and truly, actually destroyed according to a report on what Gordon Campbell's man in the RailGate courtroom, Mr. George Copley, had to say Thursday according to a report by the CP's Steve Mertl:
"....Copley also told (RailGate Judge Elizabeth) Bennett on Thursday that some of the emails involving three of the 33 people covered by the defence request may still exist after all...."
Meanwhile Harvey Oberfeld, who is going to be on CFUN tomorrow talkin' RailGate, has just let slip that he thinks that, in the end, the government of Gordon Campbell, just might get precisely what it has always wanted.......And I think I can guess what that might be......Aaaaargh!
For the Trump administration, “anti-DEI” means “Jim Crow”
46 minutes ago
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