Thursday, July 23, 2009

RailGate Catch And Release...This Ain't No Fishing Expedition.


Just a couple of quick thoughts while we wait for RailGate judge, Mdme Justice Bennett, to decide on the fate of Paddy The K's documents as well as her own future.


If those RailGate Tapes that were ordered destroyed by Ms. Rosemarie Hayes in May of this year were originally placed on hold as the tale of two affidavits would suggest, doesn't that beg the following two questions......

Who ordered the original holding?

And why?

There just might be a hint of the who in Mr. Mason's latest missive wherein he mentions that he tried to get ahold of Ms. Hayes' predecessor in the neoOrwellian-named Ministry of Messaging*, Ms. Sue Griffiths, to no avail.
And thanks tons to a very perceptive Anon-O-Mouse in the comments for the prod-along on this one.
*At least it's not called the 'Ministry of Information Retrieval'......yet.


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