Dan Burritt of CKWX actually fills in the blanks.
Our (not) Premier, finished with trashing the local Dean for the moment, blames the Alberta media for misinterpreting her previous demand for more money for the pipeline:
...Clark is pointing at the media in Alberta for focusing just on her government's demand for a fair share of the economic benefits from the proposed six billion dollar pipeline. Clark says it's not just about the cash, but our air, land and water too.
"The media over there has presented this as a debate about just British Columbia's fair share. That is not just what it's about!" stresses Clark on Friday at the end of the Union of BC Municipalities convention in Victoria.
"In fact, the bigger issue for us is how do we protect our environment, and that's what I'm going to go talk to them about because, clearly, I don't think they're getting the full message about where we stand from their own media."
"The Albertan media has interpreted this as a way for British Columbia to get more money. It's not," Clark adds. "Yes we want our fair share, but we are not going to do it at the expense of our environment. This debate is about making sure we protect our environment first and foremost."...
In the sickness that is the culture of Victoria where policy is (supposed to be) made....
Our Politics In Three Headlines
1 hour ago
The clip with the (not) Premier's blathering on, re: it's about the environment, not the $$ was on News 1130 this am.
Nearly fell in the shower as I did a double take to make sure I had heard it right.
'Ya think the (not) Premier's making unbelievable statements to draw attention from the escalating BC Ferries fares, RossK ? ? ? ?
I fear that it is ALL diversion/deflector spin.
Right down to the signing of contracts with public sector workers and 'cancelling' the sell off of the LDB (which can, of course, be reversed if the LINO's 'win' and probably would have been scrapped anyway by the incoming Dippers)...
Exactly my thoughts, RossK.
"drf" and I discussed tonight that the (not) Premier is even worse than anyone thought possible after the gordo debacle . . . .
'Tis kind of like a never-ending debacle....
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