Michael Smyth of The Province has spoken to one of the BC Conservative Party dissidents, Dr. Allison Patton, who has 'more' to say about the fact that John Cummins did NOT resign last week as she previously claimed he would:
....Last week, she (Patton) said, the dissidents were told by Conservative brass that Cummins was going to resign and an interim leader would take over.
"We were told it was a done deal," Patton said. "But it was a complete setup."...
Recall, if you will, what really happened.
Ms. Patton and fellow dissidents, at a press conference of their own calling, and in a written press release of their own making, said that fellow BC Conservative Mr. David Wilder had acted as a go-between to negotiate Mr. Cummins' resignation.
Then, within hours, Mr. Wilder flatly denied that this was the case to numerous media members including the VSun's Jonathan Fowlie:
....“(We were told) that John Cummins was ready to resign, and that it was just the details that were being worked out,” said Allison Patton, a constituency association president at the forefront of a drive to oust Cummins.
“We were made aware that the terms negotiated were that he resigned by Friday … and that it would be $4,000 a month given to him for six months, and that what had been proposed to him was that (Rick) Peterson would become the interim leader.”
In both an interview and a press release, Patton said the backroom deal had been negotiated Wednesday afternoon by retired lawyer and party insider David Wilder.
It’s a suggestion Wilder, president of the party’s Vancouver-Quilchena constituency association, flatly denied.
“Let me make this bloody clear, my name was used in vain. The events of (Wednesday) had very little to do with what was set out in the letter,” Wilder said in an interview...
Interestingly, Mr. Wilder's name appears NOWHERE in Mr. Smyth's report published today, Sunday, three days after the fact.
Is it possible that Mr. Wilder's role/non-role in all of this has been disremembered already?
Something else was somewhat disconcerting about Ms. Patton's conversation with Mr. Smyth...Apparently, she can't remember if she has ever been a member of the BC Liberal party (or not)...
Links 3/6/2025
43 minutes ago
Yes indeed, the good doctor(the naturapath)...Not that there`s anything wrong with that profession..
However, I too was curious about Allison not remembering if she was ever a member of the BC Liberal party..
I personally can remember every party I voted for, both provincial and Federal, and Ross, I have voted socred, NDP, Federal Conservative and Federal Lioberal..
I in fact voted for Gordon Campbell in 2001...
Doctors usually are highly educated, strong minds, Allison looks like she is in her early 30`s, at most...Certainly dementia hasn`t set in...
And she can`t remember political parties she has joined..Hmm..
I don`t think I`ll be in need of her services anytime soon...
Now what was it I was saying???
Well, Martyn Brown was a BC Liberal with a bad memory (of convenience?) and Ms Clark can not seem to remember from day to day what she says and stands for....
In fact the BC Liberal family is quite full of bad memories. Given this defining characteristic of "bad recall" it could certainly be both possible and plausible that Dr Allison was once a Liberal too.
Can't really blame Allison, the sad Liberal history is something I also would honestly want to forget. More so if I had been a part of it!
Grant and Bill--
I wonder....
What there is a faction within the Con community that is getting a little worried that the Snookified BCL does not go up in complete flames next May?...
And what if that faction is, at the very least, loosely affiliated with the Birdman?
Would that, perhaps help explain what's going on?
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