Big flap over that eight-year-old bit of fire and neancerconnish brimstone that Mr. Harper delivered to the way right South of 49th group of flackhacks known as 'The Council For National Policy' when they came north for a convention of fun and frolic in Montreal in 1997.
The CBC dutifully lays out the entire text of the speech here.
My favorite quip, amongst many that are simply boffo, is that last part about exams and prayers - always a good idea to ditch the studying and instead plead with your favorite deity for a better mark just before you write the test.
Anyway, the funny thing is, as Stage Left recently noted you will no longer actually find the speech on 'The Council's website.
Seems that, perhaps.........however unintentionally.......ya, sure..... it has been scrubbed.
Not to worry.
We found the original cached version here*.
*The bonus with the cached version is that you also get the Q and A session after the speech, which is just bizarre enough (especially the UN bashing) that it makes one wonder, hypothetically of course, if this is the real reason that the entire thing was accidentally 'lost'.
Musical interlude
1 hour ago
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