A former local anti-whaling crusader is claiming victory in the fact that Japan is pulling out of the International Whaling Commission.
Charlie Smith has the story in the GStraight:
Former Vancouver resident Paul Watson says it's good news that Japan will withdraw from an international body that regulates whale hunting.
The government led by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says it is pulling out of the International Whaling Commission and will cease killing these animals in the Antarctic.
Watson founded the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, which has been confronting Japanese whaling ships since 2002.
“We are delighted to see the end of whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary," Watson said in a society news release. "We are delighted that we will soon have a South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary and we look forward to continuing to oppose the three remaining pirate whaling nations of Norway, Japan, and Iceland.
"Whaling as a ‘legal’ industry has ended," Watson continued. "All that remains is to mop up the pirates.”...
But the bigger picture of those 'pirates' mentioned by Mr. Watson suggests that the news is not actually all good at all:
The following is from Linda Sieg and Kiyoshi Takenaka writing for Reuters:
...The decision, some experts said, allows Japan to save the money it spends to support Antarctic whaling while taking a tough pro-whaling stance - a matter of national pride for some conservatives.
...Japan, which says most whale species are not endangered and that eating whale is part of its culture, has long campaigned without success for the IWC to allow commercial whaling.
Some influential lawmakers’ constituencies include whaling communities, and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s election district is home to the whaling port of Shimonoseki.
The decision to withdraw from the IWC followed its latest rejection of Japan’s bid to resume commercial whaling at a September meeting, which Suga said showed it was impossible to bridge the gap between whaling advocates and anti-whaling members...
Either way, whales will continue to die.
Which is not a good thing.
Just to be clear it just the good Mr. Watson who is cheering on this crass quid pro quo....Apparently, Australia and New Zealand are happy with Japan's decision as well...Then again, they have a pretty good regional reason for cheering the quidding of the pros and quos.
Update: It now appears that Mr. Watson realizes that he and his have been spun as he re-spins...This kind of stuff, in my opinion is why PR and Prop, in all of its forms, is what is really killing public discourse...On a whole lotta levels.
The appropriate response to RFK Jr. is to destroy him
22 minutes ago
I'm real happy Mr. Watson is happy, but in my book a dead whale is a dead whale no matter where it is killed. Not a good thing.
There is no need to eat whale meat, we don't use it in lamps anymore.
Now we of course can be critical of Japan, however, we need to ensure our whales in our waters hve better lives and the orcas get back to healthy numbers. That might require us to have all those ships sitting around our coast waiting for goods, to turn off their engines. Don't know how that will work, but lets try to protect the whales. They can't all move to ant artica
Points all well taken.
And then there are the high speed tour boats...
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