Thursday, January 31, 2019
Dewey Wins! Dewey Wins! (In Nanaimo?)...
Perhaps Charlie Smith et al. got a little carried away and pushed the button prematurely after the first three of 111 polls had the former (and now present and future?) real estate speculation enthusiast up by a few votes.
Perhaps, like many a proMedia outlet trumpeter swan, they just put just a little too much stock in that last minute Mainstreet poll that sure seemed like a bit of a push to some in the know:
Thanks to sometime reader Shushwap Ken for noting the GStraight's embarrasing (temporary) flub.
Best take on all of this was from Tom Hawthorn on the Twittmachine who noted that, in the end, the fine folks from Mainstreet had a margin of error of approximately +/- infinity, give or take eleventy billion.
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Wonderful to go to sleep last night knowing NDP had won. Even funnier to wake up to this. omg, that is funny. that old line of the only poll which counts is the one on election day.
In my opinion, Harris was floating on his father's name, but he isn't his father. His Father was a respected and well liked business man. Harris simply inherited the business.
As the demographics change, Nanaimo may not be the safe seat it currently is. Things which were once taken for granted now have to be fought for and the NDP and their candidate did.
Interesting how the B.C. Lieberals and Greens alluded to the NDP running a "negative" campaign. Sure if the B.C. Lieberals had won it wouldn't even have been commented on.
What I did find interesting last night, on the global news, was the reporter covering the B.C. Lieberals had more air time than the reporter covering the NDP. The B.C. Lieberal leader looked like he was "advertising" for the next election. Some of the questions to the B.C. Lieberals about "renewal" within the party, younger, more diverse candidates was plan entertaining. My interpretation is, are you dumping Bond, Coleman, and deJong and suggesting younger candidates can come on down to apply for a run on the gravy train.
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