Mr. Kenney's finest of the fine guys have started their full-court, faux-journalistic press and it is starting to upset people.
Including, it would appear, some the bamboozled subjects how have been pounded into the tips of the war room's propaganda javelins.
James Keller of the CP has the story of one such dupee, this one from Lotusland, in the Canadian Press:
A Vancouver chef who was featured in an article produced by Alberta’s “energy war room” says he’s furious he wasn’t told that the Canadian Energy Centre was created and funded by the provincial government.
Donald Gyurkovits, president of the Canadian Culinary Federation, said his group strives to stay out of politics and he never would have participated if the writer who contacted him explained the background of the centre. Several other people interviewed by the war room have also said they were not told about its ties to the Alberta government and critics have questioned why the centre’s writers have been describing themselves as reporters...
Which is fair enough as far as the lede to a bit of 'straight journalism' push backfrom Mr. Keller and his editor(s) goes.
Who made the legitimizing decision to call the original war room piece an 'article'?
Why not, instead, call the thing what it really was?
If you get my drift.
Tip o' the toque to David Climenhaga of the always excellent ''.
Way off-topic...It was great to meet reader D. and friend with his dogs down at the beach today...Hope next time to get a chance to chat with partner P. as well!
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2 hours ago