Saturday, March 21, 2020

Saturday Pick...Fifty-Five Minutes With Reina Del Cid.


Do you need something really fantastic to listen to and/or watch this fine, if slightly claustrophobic, Saturday?

If yes, check out this fantastic live stream by two young musical partners, Rachel and Toni, who make up the backbone of my favourite post-first wave YouTube bandeleroistas.

Seriously - just hit the little arrow in the center of the image below and you will not be sorry.

Their secret?...Well, they are both hip/nerd DIYists who are really, really good and fantastically creative...And, surprise!, they have captured the olds who pay them actual money to see them perform, either online or live and in person...As a result of all of those things it looks like they are  making a go of thing truly on their own (with all kinds of help, both little and big, from their friends)...If you like, you can support them...Here.


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