Following up on the good Mr. O'Toole's inability to yank the base toward a faux center last weekend, the self-proclaimed head trainer has grabbed hold of the leash and is attempting to lead the pack back to an old familiar kennel...
Tip O' The Toque to Alison of Creekside.
Thursday Morning Links
42 minutes ago
Put Canada first. Can't they even come up with their own catch phrase ?
Conservatives have little to no originality it would seem.
Oh please oh please I hope they bring harper back. It would be the best thing for the Libs if this happens. harper has picked two non winners in a row as well as lost himself against Trudeau jr. One more time would be awesome. Now I know, they could win, but what the heck. Hopefully if they are not victorious it would put the final nail in that coffin. I really believe if the Cons dumped the reform contingent they would have a much better chance of being the rulings party. If trudeau wants to win, and I think he does, he’s going to have to do better and I’m not sure he is capable. This may be the best he can be. It’s not as terrible as the cons make out but still... kinda lacking.
If you want to see the collective conservative head explode even more, the Supreme Court has just ruled the Federal carbon tax is constitutional.
Just had a look at the poll on rebel and the number is up to 4568. Ezra could just scrape 5000 viewers on a good day when sun news was on the teevee. Seems to be his limit.
But once past the ya gotta be kiddin and LOL, it points to the ongoing problem the conservatives have about leadership or lack thereof, no cohesive policies that will attract new voters to move the country. Pandering to the already converted, blaming Trudeau for everything from the burning of the Reichstag to ice melting in the spring isn’t a winning strategy. I wouldn’t vote for them but it isn’t politically healthy to have a vacuum of constructive ideas from all viewpoints.
I wasn't feeling all that chirpie this morning and then saw this. haven't stopped laughing yet, so thank you to You for reprinting the Rebel stuff. Bring back harper! Right on! The guy who passed eight pieces of legislation which he had been told were violations of our constitution and they were all over turned by the Supreme Court of Canada! Yah, Beverly! Wasn't it his administration who neglected and harassed Veteran? Oh, yes they did. Recall reading some of them were reading the medical files of Veterans who they considered a "problem" as in fighting for their rights. Ah, yes, the days of Harper, defunding all women's groups in Canada when he first came to office. Gee my memory is better than I thought.
About the only reason I think some one is thinking to bring back harper is because he has been a bit of a failure in his post P.M. gigs. Even as leader of the opposition you get a nice house, limo, staff, etc.
Would he win in an election? Doubt it and I don't think his ego could stand loosing to "the kid" again.
Just when the U.S.A. got rid of Trump there are some idiots who want to bring back Harper????? yah right
Having been an advocate of having strong opposition parties so we have a strong democracy, O'Toole might want to start doing the really hard work of removing those from the reform cheering section and returning the party more to the center, like the Progressive Conservative party of Canada. With climate deniers, I see gains being made by the NDP and Greens and of course Liberals. With Notley 10 points ahead of Kenny in Alberta, who knows what an election might bring, federally.
Ah, I feel so much better, and I'm still laughing. Time for another coffe, omg harper back, yikes. wonder how his wife would feel about that.
Now the Rebel, not exactly a great bunch, in my opinion. If I remember correctly they were almost under water some time ago and they weren't that welcoming of people of colour. Come to think of it some one whose blog I forgotten the name of, eastern though, called "the rebel" a "racist rag". So if The Rebel is advocating Harper's return, perhaps we might want to research them for "racist" content and then I wonder if they think bringing back harper would help him ride to glory on an anti Asian platform.
O.K. this is how I see a possible path to winning for Harper or the end of the party. There is enough anti China feelings in the country because of the two Michaels. We know there is a rise of anti Asian/Chinese sentiment in North America because of COVID. (don't think guys like the Proud Boys are just in the U.S.A., they got banned as a group in Canada). There has been more than enough critizism of Trudeau because the two Michael aren't back in Canada, like how stupid is that. It isn't his fault, but I digress. so if they want to portray him as weak and harper would have had the guys back in a blink, there you go. Of course the Cons may not have noticed the change in demographics in Canada and younger voters who don't always share their parents' attitudes, etc. It could be the end of the Cons as we currently know them. It would then become the party of Alberta and bites and pieces around the country led by Kenny. I'm sure he would like to get out of Alberta right about now. Its not looking good for them. On the other hand, the price of gas is going up and its $3 a gallon in Penn.
enough of this rant, I'm still having a good laugh, thank you. and hey its sunny here in Nanaimo. thank you!
Here is what has happened to our politics and why we now have duds such as Herr Harper,galore.
In today’s government, real government emanates from the Premier’s or Prime minister’s Office and the trained sheep who are in the majority support what the premier’s Office tells them to support.
Woe to the independently minded MLA or MP who votes against the Premier’s or PMO. This is why minority governments tend to be good because the Premier or P.M. must listen to non party supporters of the government.
Thus the party must insure that the stupider candidate is nominated because a smarter or more independent candidate may vote against the government, as we saw with Trudeau’s Liberals an election ago,
Over time, only duds run for office and only duds are elected and as we see provincially and federally, we have government by dud, rather stupid people who will support the government at any cost.
Until we assure smart people run for office and not duds, Canada will eventually collapse under the the weight of combined political stupidity.
The Metro Vancouver mayors are an extremely good example of government by “duds”. Both the federal Liberals and Conservatives operate by the "dud" theory and O'Toole cannot rid himself of the insurgent American GOP duds that infect his party.
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