Friday, February 18, 2022

But What About The Thin Blue Line?

What's that you say?

Regardless which side of the border the donations came from, it was actually all about the freedom to overturn public health measures (and a government) in an effort to put us on the path of the thin black line, above?


Alrighty then.


Meanwhile, from the edges of outer SeaDooLandia, a former federal public safety minister doubles down and speaks salad:



thwap said...

Stockwell Day appears to be babbling there. Wasn't he a friend of anti-Semite Keegstra? Is that what he means by "the left not wanting history taught in schools"?

Either way it's insane.

Graham said...

Wow. ‘Ol Doris can leave me speechless at times. Especially when he so readily reveals his stupidity. He obviously decided to be on the side of rhetoric and hyperbole. He and his tweety twits will be happy though as I do believe the entire shutdown and round up of the so called protesters and their winter carnival has been filmed. Live streamed even. Most people feel that the treatment they have received along the way has been very nice indeed considering we have witnessed far worse to others for far better causes. smh as they say.
As well, I believe all MP’s, even Doris’ team, thought it best to stay away from the office yesterday as this was the advice from the parliamentary security detachment. Makes sense, self preservation and all.
Thanks for the stats, I’m glad to be on the bottom line. I wonder which line seadoo Doris is on?

Lulymay said...

So, Stockwell is taking stock of things is he? and sadly, he doesn't balance.

Chuckstraight. said...

Stockwell Day? A completely irrelevant idiot.

Anonymous said...

Poor old Stockwell. Just doesn't get it. The guy doesn't even understand "recent" history. Comparing this to Tiamaman Square is ridiculous.

Oh right he was from the Reform Party.

Democracy dying, omg that is rich. Like it or not, Trudeau and all those in Parliament were elected not so long ago and just because some of the protestors don't like mandates doesn't mean they can replace M.P.s with unelected persons and send the Liberals on their way.

the people of Ottawa have the right to go about their business and get a good night's sleep.

Perhaps Stokwell is thinking of running for the Conservative leadership and is "testing" the waters. He needs to get back on his seadoo ..........because all he is talking is doo doo.