Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The Keef Report...Savvy Is As Savvy Does.


As far as Keef-the-Savvy is concerned, it's all about absolute winners and losers in the political power game:


Meanwhile, Aaron Wherry, courtesy the MoCo, gives us an actual  sober assessment of what the federal Lib/Dib 'pact' is all about and what it could/might/might not mean in terms of actual political outcomes that could/might/might not affect actual people:

...A governing party that lacks a majority of the seats in the House of Commons essentially has three options. It can attempt to form a coalition government with one or more of the other parties. In that case, the parties would share the responsibility of government, with ministers from each party sitting in cabinet.

Conversely, it can attempt to negotiate with the other parties on a case-by-case basis to pass individual pieces of legislation.

Somewhere in between those two options is what the Liberals and NDP have chosen to pursue. In a confidence-and-supply arrangement, one party agrees to vote to keep the other party in power for a certain amount of time. In return, the party in power agrees to pursue certain priorities and initiatives — typically with some concessions to the smaller party's desires....


...The NDP will want to establish that it made certain things happen — things like expanded dental care and the foundation for a pharmacare system. But the Liberals now have some assurance of stability and some reason to believe they will be able to go into the next election with a record of having done things.

Another three years in office also ensures that the big things the Liberals have been working on — climate policy, child care — will be more established by the time any other party gets a chance to make changes...

Jay Rosen
explains the penchant of a certain segment of the pro-punditry to be seen as stylistically savvy...Here.



NVG said...

The Gazetteer's in toto 'Keef Reports'

Lulymay said...

Poor Keef! He neither understands the notion that politicians of all stripes can (if they have a desire to) negotiate with each other to implement ideas that benefit ALL voters, and just not their base. He, apparently, only understands that solid idea that confrontation is the only way to get things - done whether it benefits us voters or not!

RossK said...

Thanks NVG - forgot to link to them this time around.



Good point.

Also, I would think that Mr. Weaver might beg to differ with the Keef on his conclusion re: the provincial Dipper/Green pact.
