Thursday, January 11, 2024

The Bitter Winds Are Coming In...

Between the time I got on and got off the bus this morning an actual winter wind swooped into Lotusland.

As we stepped off the #33 at the end of the line, the person next to me said that it felt like Montreal without the snow.

Given how bright out it was I thought of, maybe, Edmonton - but in early April given that -10°C is pretty much springtime in that town.


How do you keep the pipes going to the outside taps on the side of the house from freezing again?

Earworm in the header?...



Dave said...

turn the taps off from the inside

e.a.f. said...

turn off the taps on the Inside?? Where are they? I've always just unhooked the hose, thinking that was enough.

Thank you for the music video. They are truly amazing. Emmy Lou Harris has always been a favorite of mine. An amazing voice. These two young women also are amazing. Looks like we will continue to enjoy this style of music!

Dave said...

Canadian Tire

The Frost King Hard Plastic Faucet Cover is designed to insulate standard-sized outdoor faucets. This durable cover, constructed with a hard plastic outer shell, easily slips underneath your faucet, offering protection from harsh winter weather. Its straightforward installation requires no tools, ensuring your outdoor faucets are safeguarded from freezing temperatures. Frost King provides a practical solution to winterize your outdoor water outlets. It's an essential item for Canadian homes during the cold seasons.

Frost King Hard Faucet Cover provides protection for standard-sized outdoor faucets

Easy to install - just slips underneath

Made with a hard plastic outer shell

Insulates standard-sized outdoor faucets

Protect faucets from the winter weather

RossK said...

Thanks Dave!


Trailblazer said...

Be very very scared of the 'possible' inclement weather!
Nothing like this has ever happened before or so we are told!
My god; winters have never been like this; not in the lifetime of the 25 year old weather forecaster who is actually trying to promote some product or the other during the commercial break or through the cyron below.

Sensationalising normal daily events in the name of consumerism is beginning to piss me off.
We have enough real drama in our lives without this bullshit!


Evil Eye said...

I have non-freezable facets on the outside. My plumber recommended them. I guess I will soon see if they work!

RossK said...

Point taken TB--

Keep us posted EE--


Chuckstraight said...

Up here in the Okanagan the temperature says LL which I think means low limit = below -25C.
Wood stove burning full time.

RossK said...

Holy Doodles Chuck--

That be cold.


Keith said...

Lifted this from the net, frost free faucets, got 3 at my place they work like a charm, retrofitting could be tricky but should be a no brainer on new places or renovations.

“How Does an Outdoor Freeze Proof Faucet Work?
An outdoor freeze-proof faucet is a type of tap, sillcock, or spigot that is resistant to freezing. To stop the problem of freezing water pipes, the shut-off valve or compression valve for the faucet is situated further back into the interior of your home, where the inside temperature is higher.”

Despite the cold, there is something to be said about winter doing what it’s supposed to do when it’s supposed to be doing it, amid the now consistent wacky weather patterns.

e.a.f. said...

Thank you Dave. I'll try to get to the vehicle tomorrow and drive to our Canadian Tire in Nanaimo. Need to look for puck battery lights also.

Thank you Keith. also very helpful information.

Hello Trailblazer. Yes, the weather. Its cold but not as cold here as my friend's ranch in Alberta. As to weather in B.C. There was a snow storm back in the mid 1970s just as rush hour was beginning. The snow became deep, for Vancouver, very quickly. I recall one co worker who walked from Broadway and MacDonald to Port Coquitlam. Couldn't move his vehicle and traffic was at a stand still anyhow. Brother in law walked from north east corner of Vancouver to Richmond, faster than his vehicle.
I decided to try out my new AMC Gremlin in the snow. Used lanes because Arbutus was totally stallked and it worked just fine in the snow. Just put it in second gear and not problem.

While in the 8th grade in Richmond, in the early 60s recall the snow in spots was up to 4 ft.

Back in the early 70s if there was a big snow storm, the hotels in downtown Vancouver offered those working there, hotel rooms at a very deep discount. I'm sure they made it up in the bars, but it was a great service for those who just couldn't face a drive home or it was too dangerous.

Part of the differance between now and then: fewer vehicles on the road, not a lot of 4 x 4 drivers who thought they could go anywhere at any speed because they had a 4 x 4. I recall just after christmas of 1996 or 97, we had a huge dump of snow. After they did the statistics, they announced the greater number of vehicles in the ditch were 4 x 4s.

we also had a huge snow storm with follow up freezing in the mid nighties which prevented nurses from getting to work. Some hospitals rented 4 x 4s and office staff went and picked nurses up in their homes. Some lived out in Coquitlam and places such as that.

In 1968 it snowed between christmas and New Years. It was so deep, people couldn't drive or did so with great difficculty. It then froze for 3 weeks. Remember walking around UBC and falling because everything was slippery. It was safer to drive than walk.

The highway maintence people were out during the night clearing the section of the Inland Highway I can see and the city of Nanaimo had their equipment out, clearing the bus routes. The biggest danger is walking to your car. No one keeps their cars in the garage. They're full of "stuff"

Dave said...

My apologies RossK, but to ....

e.a.f. Thank you for leaving a comment over at Emptywheel where you gave high praise to former Vancouver City Councillor, Harry Rankin. I wonder if now would be a good time to name a Park after Harry, before Mayor Sim eliminates the Park Board.

A backgrounder on Harry

e.a.f. said...

Hi Dave,
I was a big fan of Harry Rankin's since I was oh, so much younger. He was the only member on council for a very long time who was left.

My favorite shot of him is, the documentary which has a shot of Rankin and Jin Green walking down east Hastings, when it still was full of people shopping. Jim Green also was in a legue of his own. Wonder how they would have handled the lack of affordable housing we are seeing to day. Bruce Erikson joined Rankin after many years so the two of them were quite the two. Erkison had a kindness about him.
when ever I read one of bmaz's "missilies" it actually reminds moe of Rankin when he wasn't happy about something. Makes me laugh every time. bmaz is simply a cranky left lawyer with great taste in music. Being a lawyer in Arizona and Texas can do that to you.

RossK said...

Heckuva an idea Dave!
