Thursday, August 22, 2024

Make America Childhood Diseased Again.


Well, well, well, whadd'ya know...

According to ABC News at least, it looks like America's favourite failson is getting ready to drop out of his run in the Horsey McHorseface race that was originally financed by the billionare class so that he would suck votes away from then Dem candidate Super-Old Guy. This, it is alleged by the very same ABC News, will allow the good Mr. Kennedy to endorse the only remaining horse in the race who is also against the use of vaccines to improve the collective public health:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is planning to drop out of the presidential race by the end of this week, sources familiar with the decision tell ABC News.

Sources tell ABC News that Kennedy plans to endorse Donald Trump -- but when asked directly by ABC News if he will be endorsing the former president, Kennedy said, "I will not confirm or deny that."...

Rumour has it that Mr. Kennedy has been angling for the Director of Health and Human Services job in a second Trump administration as part of the 'deal'.

We are pretty sure that poliovirus particles hidden under the seat cushions (and in wading pools) everywhere are rejoicing.

As an aside...Don't you just love it when 'major' media outlets use unnamed sources as the basis for both of the first two paragraphs in a their 'blockbuster' ledes...As US'ian flyover country's top liberal blogger/podcaster, Driftglass, wrote recently...."Critiquing the media these days is like fishing at a fish farm. With dynamite." 



Evil Eye said...

Oh, I can now hear the hisss - clank of the Iron Lung. Oh joy!

RossK said...


And for those who escape that cruel and truly awful fate there is also the life long spectre of leg braces and chronic gait issues.


Anonymous said...

It is a mystery to me why some look forward to the return of diseases which kill and disable.
When polio vaccines became the norm and polio was almost gone here in B.C. it was a huge relief for parents and kids. Health care personnel were especially happy. Now here I am at 75 yrs old and some people want to bring back polio. Don't understand it.
EE makes a good point.
Just can't understand why people want to believe people who have no medical or scientific background, experience, etc. Guess they like being drama queens/kings or in the case of Kennedy, the witless, a publicity seeker.