Monday, December 16, 2024

Too Big To .... Fight?


You often hear about gargantuan corporate behemoths that are deemed to be, rightly or (often) wrongly...

...Too big to fail.

Think of, for example, Wall Street banks during the financial crisis of 2008.

But another thought popped into my head when I saw the following item over the weekend:

ABC News is set to pay $15 million to settle a defamation lawsuit brought by Donald J. Trump.


Under the terms of a settlement revealed on Saturday, ABC News will donate the $15 million to Mr. Trump’s future presidential foundation and museum. The network and its star anchor, George Stephanopoulos, also published a statement saying they “regret” remarks made about Mr. Trump during a televised interview in March...


Given that ABC is owned by Disney, and given that the House of Mouse is likely worried that the incoming Trump administration could make its life difficult in all sorts of realms, regulatory or otherwise, one can only wonder if the massive company decided that it is just too big to risk any fight whatsoever with Mr. Trump.

Just like Mr. Bezos' Washington Post and Mr. Soon-Shiong's Los Angeles Times before them.

Not to mention MSNBC and Joe Scarborough schlepping on down to Palm Beach recently.

It seems to me that all of this is much, much worse than this thing that has been dubbed to be 'sane washing'.

Because, essentially, it is becoming increasingly clear that these conflicted corporate giants are scared to do anything that will upset the new king.

And that is very scary, indeed, for anyone working for those teetering giants that is still trying to actually speak truth to power.

If you get my drift.

This idea was crystallized for me when I listened to the usually pugnacious Anne Applebaum speak with former WaPo columnist Greg Sargent this morning...I must confess that I was very surprised by Ms. Applebaum's somewhat conciliatory 'this is not that really all that different than business-as-usual' tone.
While I beat her to pixel punch by a few minutes, Marcy Wheeler does a much better job of explaining what is really scary for a democracy in all of this, including Mr. Trump's making made men out of the tech bros...MW also gives Ms. Applebaum a bit of a hard time as well, mostly given that it has been apparent for some time now that Trump is following the press-cowing strategy of Victor Orban...
Finally....I realize that the drama involving Mr. Trudeau and his caucus will likely be pretty much done by the time you read this, but..Just in case
...The most insightful live blogging I've seen on this is being done by Evan Scrimshaw.



Anonymous said...

The Mango Mussolini is now flexing his muscles and demanding fealty from everyone.

The USA is cruising into dangerous times and a reply of 1861 is becoming more and more a certainty.

Trump is now de-facto a dictator and when sworn in, the arrest will be made; the wing-nuts will take charge; and the Quislings will soon rule.

One wonders if the military, who swear n oath to the constitution and not the presidents, will stand for this.

My guess is, when Trump dumps NATO.

RossK said...


Given that it is the variable that is most changed in the Trump Governance equation compared to four years ago, I am most worried about the Quisling factor.


Evil Eye said...

Damn, forgot to post my name for the above.

I have followed the US election campaign quite closely and I do see slight parallels with Canada, especially with the media. Like FOX Entertainment (FOX admitted during the Dominion case that FOX News was not news but entertainment), many Canadian news outlets are more for entertainment than anything else as real news is few and far between.

But is is a Quisling Factor that is the most worrisome as many Canadian Politicians admire Trump and Trumpism and I thank god we are constitutional monarchy rather than a republic because just look how easy it is to pervert the American Democracy Experiment.

You can knock old King Charles as much as you want but he is rather expert in constitutional law, something that MAGA and Trump are not. Basically Trump, is a revolutionary and is merely following the 1776 revolution, overthrowing the central government in favour of the landed gentry. Trump's ideal is the Royal House of Trump but thank god the real monarchs of the world rather see him as a typical American buffoon, but a very dangerous one.

I am saddened by so many of the Canadian elite falling for this Trumpian pantomime, but they many Canadians fell for that funny little Austrian Man with a funny mustache.

As the Trudeau government disintegrates, the Quisling (MAGA Light) hangs over us like the Sword of Damocles as the Wee "P" will be anointed and will cozy up to the Mango Mussolini because he is one of them.

The Wee "P" is a flag wrapper and beware of flag wrappers as they tend to be Quislings and beware of the anti-vax/science/ global warming types as they also tend to be Quislings.

For my book, I wish a one Charlie Angus was PM.

He is a Canadian and parliamentarian!

Lew Edwardson said...

Thanks for that clip. It should be shared widely and emulated by all parliamentarians.

RossK said...

I'm reading Charlie Angus' latest book right now...It's quite good, essentially demonstrating how our past has caught up with us, although, to be honest, I was alsolooking for more about the T.O. music scene in the 1980's as was discussed on Toronto Mike's podcast.
