Mr. Campbell and the rest of the LINO's* are doing their darndest to avoid any public meeting where they might be held to account.
Or, as one BC Liberal Party flack , who has obviously been reading his prized, gilt-edged copy of the Rovian Playbook obsessively, put it:
“We’re not going to participate in any forum at which the moderator or the host are not objective.”
Which, of course, is a load of tripe.
Especially when you consider that there are many duly nominated and recognized candidates that are trying like heck to get into debates and forums but who are being shut out.
Or even worse, being arrested for trying to do so.
Which is exactly what happened to our favorite extreme green Ingmar Lee yesterday when he tried to force his way into an invitation-only Chamber of Commerce-sponsored** (not)All Candidates meeting in Victoria recently.
Now, the mainstream media will immediately write Mr. Lee off as a crank.
And Gary Collins' fixers will surely soon figure out a way to use him as Kool-Aid if needed.
But before you come to any conclusions yourself, you should read the following explanatory not-so mea culpa directly from him:
"....I've already been to several all-candidates meetings in this campaign, one organized by the Victoria Seniors Association, and another by Victoria's Social Workers, and if you ask the organizers, my fellow candidates, as well as audience members, they will tell you that I am polite, well dressed and friendly, and that I have a peaceful, credible and important message to present in this campaign. Of course, neither Murray Langdon, nor Victoria's Gordon Campbell's bothered to show up. At those meetings, and at All-Candidates meeting across the province, neither the Gordon Campbell Liberals, nor corporate television are bothering to show up to meet the public. "Bubble Boy" Campbell and the rest of his "BC Liberals" have apparently been instructed not to participate in any open public discourse."
Hard to argue with that.
At least if you believe that a truly representative 'liberal' democracy is a good thing.
*LINO - Liberal In Name Only
**We can only conclude, based on the fact that Liberal Candidate Sheila Orr was in attendance, that the Chamber of Commerce passes Mike Morton's sniff test for extreme objectivity.
Links 3/31/25
2 hours ago
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