Gertrude Stein said that about her hometown, Oakland California.
I lived up the street from Oakland, and my oldest kid was born there.
And I can uncategorically state that if Ms. Stein were to come back to life and say the same thing today she would be dead wrong.
Because Oaktown is one of the very few cities in the United States that has swaths of real, honest to goodness racial integration.
And that means that whole segments of the population and local and regional governments are working together to effect change.
And that's the real thing, people acting together in the public interest.
But if a reincarnated Ms. Stein was to make the same statement about B.C. Liberal Party 'Star Candidate' Carole Taylor she just might be right.
At least based on what I heard Ms. Taylor say, just a scant few minutes ago, on Michael Smyth's show on the (not-so)Giant 98 (paraphrasing of course, 'cause I can't type that fast):
In response to the criticism that elderly people have been thrown out of longterm beds:
-Michael, what's really disgraceful is all those rundown beds...... and we need to help people in this province that really need it.
In response to Smyth's question re: her opinion on the BubbleBoy campaign:
-Michael, it wasn't......after all, he came to my campaign rallies and talked to my people.....and you're in the media, you know as well as I do that sometimes if you.....if the Premier goes to Prince George or wherever he needs to talk to the media (ie. not the people there) to say what needs to be said.
In response to Gordon Campbell's tearing up of contracts after he told workers, 'to their face, that he would not' (phrase in quotes is Smyth's, not mine):
-Michael it was a very difficult situation businesswise....I wasn't there but the decisions were difficult....Gordon Campbell had a job to do....but this wasn't punishment....let's be positive.....I'm in this for the public good....
In response to Salmon Farms:
-Michael you know the NDP did most of it.....we have only added one farm....the best thing we've done is John Fraser's commission....I look forward to sanity on this issue.....we need the science.....and besides, the NDP did it.
In response to the incredulity at the portrayal of the BC Liberal Party as the upholder of the 'Rights of the Disenfranchised':
Taylor - The Liberals didn't cut money form Women's transition centers
Smyth - They cut Women's Centers.
Taylor - Yes, but.....
Smyth - How many did they cut?
Taylor - 37.....but.....but.....but they increased money for 'transition' centers...the others were 'advocacy' centers.
Remind me again, in terms of acting in the public interest.....what there is there there?
Update: After Ms. Taylor was safely escorted from the building, Smyth came to his senses and went into full damage control mode re: his print employer's complete innocence in Smeargate by blaming it all on Carole James, not because she hasn't moved to the center, but rather because she hasn't gone all the way right and kicked working people squarely in the teeth to become precisely what he wants her to be which is, as near as I can figure it, the second coming of Rita Johnson.
The Future is Unwritten
1 hour ago
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