Steve Gilliard tells it like it is on the subject of the Rovians sending their DreamTeam* of Ken Mehlman and Condi Rice on the road to rustle up the African American Superchurch Vote by bamboozling their willfully bamboozable Ministers:
"The day will come when these sellouts face the wrath of their congregations for their naked greed. Or when they ask the GOP for something they will never get, like voting rights for ex-cons.
The Bush adminsitration is getting their parishoners children killed in Iraq and all they care about is having their TV megachurch. Well, the same racists who were pro segregation are now anti-gay and if they want to jump on that bandwagon, when they get treated like all blacks get treated by the GOP, with contempt and disdain, well, they were warned....."
It's a word that has been erased from the Rovian lexicon.
Sure has.
*Waking up screaming from a soaking sweats Dream (not)Team that is.
Sinema gets the quo
2 hours ago
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