Saturday, February 19, 2005

The New Katie Cometh?

Planet Kos, LeftCoastistan
37deg 46min North; 122deg 26min West

Awhile back we wondered if there was anybody out there that would have the guts of waygone former WaPo owner Katherine Graham to let a new 'Wood/Stein' go if they were to stumble out of their cubicle with the goods.

But, now that we think about it, we're not sure it has to be that way, because the way things work these days why couldn't Katie and Woodstein (and maybe Ben Bradley too) be all rolled into one?

And so we figure it might be time for George Soros and friends to step up to the plate once again, this time to throw a few million Susan G.'s way so that she can hire a staff and go to town with both online and print editions.

You don't believe us?

Go read this - she's fantastic.

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