As you might expect, it is Norm Farell who is doing the explaining:
... (BC) Liberal (Party) ideologues intended to privatize BC Hydro’s electricity division, as it had done with the crown corporation’s natural gas business and administrative services. However, because polls showed voter resistance to further disposition, an insidious program was developed as an alternative.
The plan was not to privatize the remaining BC Hydro assets; it was to privatize the company’s profits.
The public would hold all of the business risks associated with power distribution and sales while private companies would hold all of the rewards.
After BC Hydro’s long history of profitable operations, Liberals knew that turning the company into a money loser would have negative political implications. However, they had a solution: cook the books...
That's just a snippet.
Now go and read the whole thing.
Because Norm has the hard numbers and the charts and everything to fully back his conclusions.
Off topical, but....Only one more sleep until the start of this year's Advent Jukebox!
Cult of personality
1 hour ago
What we got for voting in public liars and career fraudsters. We didn't check resumes. E.g. Cole man's 2 yr 'career 'as rcmp. And how long as a prison guard? And why the transfer? And why did he quit? And how did he acquire so much real estate? And so on,down the cabinet list. Gordon Campbells first words when results came in:"Now I'm in care! !". Says it all,really.
In charge,I meant. In care would have saved us a lot of difficulty.
formula? - IPP premium power purchase inversly proportional to public utility dam bypass.Privitization of public wealth by private stealth?
Privatize the profits,publicize the debt.16 years of this,and now weve punted them out the door. No more sweetheart deals to sell to their freinds. Consider:company donated to the liberals. Company gets business license, 1/2price public land,public subsidies(our tax cash) or a free pass on royalties (pays no taxes- theyre special!)and then their chosen party LOOOOOSES,do you think that company will write off that donation? Ha! It gets tacked onto the price of whatever they sell,AND the plead poor boy at tax time to (one more time)avoid paying taxes,which makes us pull their weight by paying more taxes. Its not public services that cause high taxes. Its those among us who are convinced that we owe them a free ride. Like tapeworms.
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