Mr. Smyth of Postmedia is shocked!
Shocked, I tell you to learn that...
BC Liberal ordered book cooking has been going down at ICBC!
Or some such thing.
And do not think we cannot see what you are doing here Meggsyites...All of which is fine as far as it goes...But remember, no prop is good prop, in the end...So keep this on the up and up for the duration.
Plane crash in DC
32 minutes ago
Mikey Mike is shocked, and Les Leyne is totally overcome with indiference.
I guess Mikey cannot read. Certainly never investigated anything about ICBC. I guess the blind blink when the light shines through.
Well when the attorney General uses words like "malice"to describe how the previous government chose to manage our affairs we might be in for some justice after all. And as far as the money laundering in our casinos remember who disbanded the anti-money laundering task force , i pray to little baby Jesus every night that there is a raging fire under that rug.
Do you see how Mickey smythe makes everything very contemporaneous... re: ICBC “losing 1.3 million a DAY, AND THE AFFECTS OF THIS ARE COMING THIS FISCAL YEAR (I guess things were just fine in his imagination last year)... and that a Storm IS COMING as if this malfeasance wasn’t happening stormishly in the recent past . So thanks for noticing Mickey and yes, how did this ever happen? Was there anyway we could have had like a MSM journalist weatherman to reveal which way the wind was blowing without bloviating, shocking indeed
How did it happen? well that is all the NDP's fault, didn't you know, really. Its all the nDP's fault. Just check with Micky and the rest of the gang next month.
of course the news was "asking" who would pay for the deficit at ICBC. My opinion, all the taxpayers in the province. They all benefited from the B.C. Lieberals "stealing" the money from ICBC at the rate of approx. $500M a year and putting it in general revenue and declaring the budget either balanced or in a surplus. At the same time they avoided increasing personal income tax. Now its time to pay up and it ought not to be the drivers of this province.
Had the B.C. Lieberals not been helping themselves to the $500M a year, ICBC would have had a cushion.
ICBC is paying out a lot of money to a lot of people due to accident. driving up and down the Inland Highway on Vancouver Island you can see the accidents during the winter and the thing which always springs to mind is why isn't the contractor cleaning the highway? Had the highway been cleaner, the accidents might not have happened. it is time the government started enforcing those highway maintenance contracts in the winter. You see pile ups on the highways going to the interior but do you ever see snow plows? Not so much.
while driving on the Inland highway earlier this month, accident, car left the highway at most likely a very high rate of speed. Its 120Ks. what that driver didn't know was that in the mist of all that clear highway would be a large patch of snow and ice, in the shade and off he went. Further up the highway there was a second such patch. Obviously it had not been cleaned. The contractor saved money but the ambulance service, the health services, and ICBC all had to absorb the costs of this accident. While we were waiting in line for the police to get the traffic moving again, up came the sand truck and the brining truck. Had they been there before the accident, there might not have been an accident.
It is time to lower the speed limits in the winter from 120K to 100 for winter driving. Todd Stone might have thought it was a good political move to increase speed limits but in the winter, not so much.
Being old I remember what B.C. Highways were like for winter driving prior to Bill Bennett, Socred premier, privitized highway maintenance. Winter driving hasn't been the same since.
ICBC might want to do what Quebec has done: drive in the winter and you need winter tires, regardless of where you live. Trucks on the Coq. need to chain up before they proceed in winter.
Force the highway maintance contractors to do their jobs and clear those highways and get some decent equipment. (compare their equipment with that of any number of cities)
lower the winter speed limits
require all cars and trucks to have winter tires.
commercial trucks required to chain up on the interior highways.
ICBC will save money.
Lots of BC Liberal dumpster fires: ICBC, BC Hydro, money-laundering. BC's greenhouse gas emissions are going up for sure.
Their new name should be the "BC Dumpster-Fire Party".
As for the this year/moment business...
Integrity BC has the numbers that destroy that fall back for local proMedia club members.
Good point about the world weary take of the conflict(y)ed Mr. Leyne.
Of course Ron Obvious was also, apparently caught unawares, re: this really big story.
Ask yourself this...Why are the Dippers zooming in on ICBC but NOT Hydro?
(I have my theory which I was kinda/sorta alluding to in the footer to the post)
No need to be shocked Mikey- ICBC has been a cash cow for the BC Liberals.
read what Keith referred to but I've got a feeling there is more attention being paid right now to Todd Stone because the other 4/5 candidates think he might win the leadership race. It wasn't Todd Stone's idea to steal the money from ICBC, that would have been a cabinet decision which would have included deJong and I'm sure if Watts were the new leader she'd go back to that model.
If your doimg your ... job properly ,one rarely should be suprised.?
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