The following is the lede of Douglas Todd's (most excellent) piece on the forces of 'No' aligned against Prop-Rep in today's VSun:
This year is certain to include more high-profile nay-saying from the well-funded opponents of proportional representation. They seemed omnipresent during B.C. referendums in 2005 and 2009, when the possibility of electoral reform fell less than three percentage points short of the 60 per cent threshold needed then to change the polarized way we do partisan politics in this province...
How will we ever stand our ground against the wave and all the prop-bombs that are sure to be buried within it?
We think that is something that Merv Adey would have wanted to help us deal with in a rational, calm, and fact-based manner.
Stay tuned!
The appropriate response to RFK Jr. is to destroy him
45 minutes ago
“…in light of his expanding financial arrangements with more than 17 lobby groups.”
Maybe Bill should rethink his opposition if lobbying is his bag.
Outside the political chatterbox that makes up part of my life I sense little, if any, enthusiasm for voting in a change to our electoral system. Be nice if there was someone with half the enthusiasm of a certain Dutch former premier raising the sail on this proposed change of course.
December 24, 2017
BC Liberals 'Proportional Mis-Representation' straw vote: Compares the country of Belgium to the province of British Columbia
the only thing that bothers me about PR is we'll elect 20 or 30 more useless tools to sit in the Leg and suck up a paycheck for nothing but more lies and bullshit
We should keep in mind that many who voted against the Single Transferable Ballot, myself for example, did so because it was not proportional. I will be campaigning for Pro Rep this time.
I still want my own representative on first past the post. Now it wouldn't hurt if we had some reps in the leg. that got there by Pro rep because lets face it a higher percentage of Greens ought to be sitting in the leg. based on their % of votes and NO I'm not a Green, It might also give the P.C.s of our province their own viable party again. Hey, the more choice, the better. Not fond of the P.C.s in the slightest, but had they had more of a chance who knows, we might not have had 16 years of Campbell and Christy Clark. Some might have had some where else to park their votes. If we had 4 viable parties in the Leg. who knows how things would have turned out in B.C. these last 16 years.
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