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The appropriate response to RFK Jr. is to destroy him
58 minutes ago
'The status quo would like you to believe that it is immutable.' Rebecca Solnit
Link to "Parliamentary Procedure" covers Parliamentary Practice in British Columbia and Standing Orders
You all remember legislative clerk George E. MacMinn, one of the most senior experts on parliamentary procedure in the entire British Commonwealth. He was the fine fellow who agreed to return the proceeds of two extra years of a service contract upon his demise.
Retired legislature clerk to donate controversial contract earnings: George MacMinn's $500,000 retirement contract drew harsh criticism
T MacMinn retired recently as a civil servant, but has since been hired as a private consultant at a rate of $240,000 a year to assist his replacement.
At least they know they are not experts! I do wish they were ex.
I hope Weaver can resist the pressure until we see if ProRep passes, and then he can pull the pin. Going early will ensure that it's FTPT forever.
Keith gets "real" with Adler. circa 4:35:
It’s not “FPTP forever” if Weaver pulls the pin. It’s still possible to put the question on the subsequent election ballot, just like the Citizens’ Initiative Referendum was. But that’s presuming no other majority group will be found in the Assembly if Weaver topples the government.
With the opposition in disarray and Horgan playing both ends against the middle, Weaver has,at this time, much more to lose than he has to gain.
Horgan is becoming a very astute politician!
We should keep in mind that Andrew pulling the pin does not translate into a Lib-Con victory, Horgan is gaining momentum, is popular and doing a fine job as premier. In a few months, our friend Andrew may do John a big favour by pulling the pin and hand him a majority- FPPTP or not. Wilkinson is going to be a tough sell to anyone other than the hard core base, he is not the smily face Clark and seriously lacks charisma.
At this point( with the Liberals in disarray) Andrew pulling the pin will result in an NDP majority and Horgan is betting upon the fact!!
So it's, Fuck you Weaver!
Weaver may want to "pull the pin" however there are two other MLAs in his caucus and they may not be so interested. One, if there were an election, voters may take it out on them. Two, if the B.C. Lieberals suddenly got their act together, we'd have another B.C. Lieberal government and you can
bet the other 2 MLAs aren't interested in that.
Weaver envisions him self as a Premier. alas, he came to the game too late in life. Weaver may grand stand, but he is where he is and that is about as good as it is going to get.
He may not like the idea of the LNG and neither do I, but I certainly don't want another round of the B.C. Lieberals.
Horgan was smart, he promised another hospital for Surrey and more schools and a reno on a smaller hospital on the Island. B.C. Lieberals were to come back, that would all be gone......
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