This just in...
Global reporter is aghast (and does his best to generate faux outrage) after heavy-footed cabbie takes an entire hour to make 75 minute trip around our grey point's westernmost perimeter, over a bridge, through a tunnel, and across the hothouse tomato lands before zooming past the mall of monstrosity to the terminal that, no matter what certain fine folks would have us believe, Mr. Hahn did not build:
One can only wonder how the good Mr. Baldrey would react if he had to make such a journey while school was in.
As for cabs screaming down SW Marine while swerving in and out of the bike lane scaring the bejeebuz out of commuters who are actually helping to cut down the congestion...Well...We're pretty sure that never happens...Right?
Greenland. Panama Canal. Canada. Gaza.
20 minutes ago
No doubt thousands of adoring followers were worried sick that Keef would miss the ferry. Kudos to him for selfishly reporting the good news.
It's what sets him apart from other journos who wouldn't bother.
Just imagine, given that there is not yet an 8pm Tsswassen to SBay, the horror of the Keef being subjected to two hours at the terminal because he waited too long to head out into the rush hour commute...
I wonder if, on the off-chance that such a monumental wait was forced upon him, if the Keef would demand schwag?
Truth be told, I can't help but wonder if there was a mutually agreed upon time point and place (say flatlands end of Oak St bridge after 6:15pm) where/when the decision to cut and run for YVR southside and the jets of hel would have been made...
First world problems for Baldrey. In a cab during happy hour.
The Horror!
I realize that in the good old days Dave would have held the ferry for him, but you'd think Keef would have adjusted by now...
My guess is that he got so used to being able to cadge a free ride of the HeliJet thanks to his adoring fan, mizz cripsy, he forgot what it was like to ride the ferry and deal with real traffic like the rest of us peons. Sad, as the orange menace would say!
Then again, perhaps Davey boy would have met our intrepid reporter down at the waterfront docks so that the two could hop a plane together...Just like the real good old days.
Maybe, it being rush hour and all, his Keefness just didn't quite have the pull to bump a pooh-bah from the HJ dinner flight manifest.
Now...if he had been travelling with the very fine and most goodly pitcher of avaricious home loans...Well, then I think it would have been an entirely different matter altogether.
Speaking of which...
didnt hold the ferry for him?
It just may signal the dawn of a new (Schwag-free) world order...
Perhaps it is best that Keith stays here on Vancouver Island. He seems unable to deal with traffic. The horrors, the horrors to be in the back of a cab. He ought to have ordered a limo or taken the helijet from Richmond. oh, right no free rides anymore, such is life. Did Keith have to join the great unwashed and use a ferry, the horrors, the horrors.
note to keith: some people have to commute that distance every day. get over yourself,
In case he hasn't realized the population of Greater Vancouver has increased and the width of S.W. Marine Dr. hasn't. If he is unhappy with the roads, he ought to blame his favorite (now former) government, who did nothing to help with the traffic problems for 16 years. With a great increase in population, traffic increases, get with the agenda there keith old boy.
Oh the good old days eh Keffer, when you could catch a ride with Christy and sit on Riches knee and talk about the first thing to cum up. You can't pull that one any more. Poor fellow, lifes a bitch you know litterly how it feels.
If the traffic looks bad next time your over Keith, Horseshoe Bay would be easier and quicker to get to.
go check dem logs out
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