What with all the faux outrage being generated by, say, the truckload, here is something genuinely disturbing that affects just about everyone in Canada:
How much are Canadians gouged for this in sum total?
This much:
...Telecommunications services (in Canada) are a $50-billion a year business — the third biggest household expenditure after shelter and food...
'MIN monthly price for 100 gigabytes'
And here I thought it had something to do with the population of a country, more people, the lower the cost
Turkey has a population more than twice as Canada
Bar graph:
Ranking, Country, Population
18th/ Turkey, 82,340,088
39th/ Canada, 37,074,562
24th/ South Africa, 57,792,518
4th/ United States, 327,096,265
125th/ New Zealand, 4,743,063
41st/ Saudi Arabia, 33,702,756
79th/ Belgium, 11,482178
87th/ Greece, 10,522,246
97th/ Austria, 8,891,388
17th/ Germany 83,517,045
129th/ Kuwait, 4,207,083
88th/ Portugal, 10,226,187
1th/ China, 1,433,783,686
11th/ Japan, 126,860,301
We are 2 retirees and I can honestly tell you with a straight face, that my monthly Telus bill for land phone (no cells in this house), internet and TV is the same as what it costs to feed ourselves, more than adequately, for one month.
I have no idea how families, especially when every teen apparently has to have their very own cell phone, and pay for all the other obligations that currently face them these days, survive!
It appears to be (at least) two things...Lack of competition and lack of regulation...
Add in those young folks and the numbers are berserk...Believe me, I know...The cutting of the cable is more than just a change in the way content is viewed.
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