Friday, April 22, 2022

The Times, The Trumpist, And The Tape.


What's it all about this time Alfie?

Well we're talking what went down amongst the US'ian Republicans-In-The-Know as Congress got ready to vote on Mr. Trump's second impeachment for inciting insurrection in January of 2021.

Here's what the NY Times reported yesterday:
...When Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming asked about the chances Mr. Trump might resign, Mr. McCarthy said he was doubtful, but he had a plan.

The Democrats were driving hard at an impeachment resolution, (Republican House Leader) Mr. (Kevin) McCarthy said, and they would have the votes to pass it. Now he planned to call Mr. Trump and tell him it was time for him to go.

Mr. McCarthy said he would tell Mr. Trump of the impeachment resolution: “I think this will pass, and it would be my recommendation you should resign,” he said, according to the recording of the call, which runs just over an hour. The Times has reviewed the full recording of the conversation.

He acknowledged it was unlikely Mr. Trump would follow that suggestion...

Here is yesterday's response from the longtime Trumpist, Mr. McCarthy:


And finally, the bit you've likely heard about (often sans the context) on about a gazillion media outlets today...the tape:

Image at the top of the post...A very different K. McCarthy, and my favourite Winnipeg Club/Monarch player of all time.
Tip 'O The Toque to....Digby.
In totally unrelated (not) news...Is anybody else wondering about a still to be built escalator from space and the ultimate political ambitions of a man named Musk?


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