Wednesday, April 12, 2023

And What About The Government-Funded Sewers?


First, the following, from a man who self-identifies as 'one who tells lies for a living', about Mr. Musk's recent labelling of NPR as state-affiliated media:

..."By calling National Public Radio what it is, Elon Musk has used English as it was intended to be used in order to tell the truth. Of course NPR is state media. Have you listened to it? It has all the hallmarks -- repetitive dishonesty, authoritarian politics, unwavering devotion to the party in charge. Of course, that could describe virtually all media in this country. The difference is the state actually pays for NPR. "...

Second, the following, from a man who would like to be our next prime minister, about the CBC:



What's next when it comes to the labelling and the shaming?

Denouncing state-funded sewers for carrying waste that originates in government-built washrooms?

Trashing state-funded highways for moving the government's mail?

Defunding state-funded hospitals for paying nurses who trained at government-funded post-secondary institutions?

Decrying state-funded libraries for helping folks who are receiving socialist disability supports?

Demanding the recall of any and all elected officials who cash government-funded paycheques?


The double-plus-ungood irony in Mr. Carlson's baseless smears regarding NPR?...First, thanks to the  the 'Corporation for Public Broadcasting', which is mandated to raise a significant chunk of its budget from the private sector, and its own aggressive fundraising, NPR receives less than 1% government funding...Second, Mr. Carlson's father, Richard, became the CEO of said Corporation after he first served a stint as Ronald Reagan's director of the state-sponsored Voice of America.
Tip o' the Toque to reader Tim W. for the heads-up.



Graham said...

Classic virtue signalling from a rightista. pp is such a bit…h.
I’m sure his targeted audience is lapping it up but I doubt it will win him any new converts. Those rightistas think everyone hates cbc as much as they do when in actuality most people don’t. At worst, for the pp crowd, folks are indifferent.
As cbc is in the top 2-3 for online news source or television or radio news the ref/cons would be foolish to mess with the cbc.
pp may only be making noise to jack up his supporters or, if elected, he may mess with the cbc or their funding. Either way I think the cbc will come out the other side ok and if anything it will provide a great election promise for anyone running against pp and the ref/cons.

NVG said...

And the so-and-so opposition leader, the hon. pierre poilievre, is NOT funded by the Government of Canada?

'As of April 2021 the annual salary of each member of parliament was $185,800 (minus allowances), Pierre Poilievre has served as a member of parliament since 2004 (annual MP salary in 2004 was $141,200), think about that the next time Pierre rants about gatekeepers and elites.' Patrick Gagnon

The average salary in Canada (2022) is $54,630 per year or $1050 per week (gross income). The average hourly wage rate in Canada is $ 29.51, considering both full- and part-time employees (Source: Statistics Canada, Employee wages by industry, annual).The average salary in Canada (2022) is $54,630 per year or $1050 per week (gross income). The average hourly wage rate in Canada is $ 29.51, considering both full- and part-time employees (Source: Statistics Canada, Employee wages by industry, annual).annual).

Keith said...

What Graham said.

The CBC has been a target for the Cons. for ever. I’ve had few of their infantile e-mails they send around to each other as far back as Harper getting rid of the CBC. when he got a majority.
Irony is, like p.p. they also had government jobs and sitting on the perks that go with it and never worked in the private sector. Funny how that works.

Both devotees of Ezra Levant who couldn’t pull in an audience of more than 5000 when Sun news was on the teevee, and now on rebel whatever it is called, currently featuring Danielle Smith also battling the CBC.

The anti CBC shtick goes around in their own spin cycles, I’m sure pps letter is cause for the faithful to bestow sainthood upon him. Whilst they wait for the rapture they might want to ask him if there is an economic update from firing the head of the bank of Canada, saying freedom every third word, making Canada the crypto currency capital of the world.