Thursday, July 04, 2024

Daily Multivitamin Use....What Is It Good For?


What good is taking a multivitamin every day if you are over fifty and you aren't suffering from a chronic disease?


According to a new longterm study of 390,000 US'ians that started back in 1993, it would appear that it is good for absolutely nothing:

...Daily multivitamin use was associated with a higher mortality risk compared to non-users (Hazard ratio 1.04, 95% confidence interval 1.02-1.07). That is, mortality was 4% higher among multivitamin users. There were no differences in mortality when looking at heart disease, cancer, and cerebrovascular mortality...

The paper, from a group at the US National Institutes of Health published in JAMA Open Network, is here.

Commentary, quoted from above, is by pharmacist Scott Gavura at Science-Based Medicine.

Earworm in the header is even more Ron Obvious than usual...
Ron Obvious, the original version?...This!
Ron Obvious, revisited (but not so often recently)?...This!
Of course, it is very likely that we will be quoting RO No2 much more often as the provincial election approaches later in the summer into the fall.


Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Progress? We Don't Need No Stinking Progress!


As per that year 2025 project thingy that may very well soon be fully backed by the six of the finest US'ian Supremes that big money and/or the Federalist Society can buy:


Before we here in Central Lotusland and the surrounding environs get all smug about a certain coming fall election, the following is taken straight from our very own BC Conservative Party's kinda/sorta platform called 'A Common Sense Plan For All British Columbians' under the sub-heading of 'Culture and Freedom':


Leaving aside the 'I'm not prejudiced, you're prejudiced!' projection behind Door Number 3 for the moment...

Do you hear what I hear?
