As per that year 2025 project thingy that may very well soon be fully backed by the six of the finest US'ian Supremes that big money and/or the Federalist Society can buy:
Before we here in Central Lotusland and the surrounding environs get all smug about a certain coming fall election, the following is taken straight from our very own BC Conservative Party's kinda/sorta platform called 'A Common Sense Plan For All British Columbians' under the sub-heading of 'Culture and Freedom':
The Carter FP Legacy
1 hour ago
I hear the sound of Elenore Sturko’s advocacy efforts coming to an end.
Because her new boss is going to ensure everyone is treated equally, sans programs, just by saying so. Anyone is welcome to sleep under the bridge of their choice. Right beside Jimmy Pattinson.
Welcome, indeed.
But only after they have been 'disbanded', of course.
Oh politics, the great divider.
What is happening in the Excited States is a well thought out and well executes slow motion coup d'etat, to again turn what the USA has been always, a nasty Fascist State.
It was Pearl Harbour and 30 years of unprecedented wealth, a new middle class, and finally the end of Jim Crow and all the vile infrastructure of the aparthied Southern States.
Then came Kent State and the American oligarchs wanted a return to the neo Nazi days of the 1930's.
With Trump, they have the perfect Grifter and with Biden, a yesterday's man unwilling to cope with a near completed coup d'etat.
The USA we once knew will disappear in early 2025 and our relationship south of the 49th will change forever.
The BC Conservatives is the direct response of the NDP's abandonment of rural BC and the universal dislike of Kevin Falcon. (he was Gordon Campbell's choice to continue is rape of BC)
The BC Conservatives are a mish-mash of anti-vaxers; climate change deniers; anti science types and the ignorant.
I am not voting for them, that is for sure, but Eby and the NDP have grown ignorant and mean, the party is also rather corrupt and being advised by Geoff Meggs, (a discredited Vision Vancouver type), the NDP have turned into Vision Vancouver provincial, the party of land speculators and land developers, who do not give a damn about anything, except their own respectability.
So, I am not voting for them either, which leaves me the Greens and if I heard correctly, the Greens are in frond of Falcon's mob in the polls!
You cannot go back and today I feel there is major buyer's remorse, choosing Falcon as party leader and i think the what ever it is called party would have done better id Jas Jahol were to have been elected party leader.
Eby's NDP will win, unless a scandal or two takes the media's fancy (I know of at least two major scandals that Eby is deathly afraid of), but politcal life in BC will flow along, still screwing the taxpayer and favouring party insiders and politcal friends. It has been always thus.
Common Sense, those B.C. Cons must have had a peak at the Alberta UPC play book. Yesterday the UPC wasn't going to be funding Legal Aid. Today the cabinet minister changed his mind, for awhile.
The B.C. Cons have a lot to say but don't say what any of it means. Might sound very democratic to some but to me, sounds a lot like MAGA.
Rustie wants to eliminate ICBC. There go our rates up up and away. Some will do what people used to do, just drive with out insurance. It works fine if you don't own anything. Its funny Rustie doesn't mention what people in other provinces pay for private insurance. In B.C. private insurance is lower priced because they have competition from ICBC. Perhaps the Cons have developer friends who have their eyes on ICBC real estate and will want Rustie to sell it to them for well we do remember the selling of B.C. Rail and all that good stuff.
The health care para is to die for, omg. Doesn't he remember they were in office prior to the NDP and didn't fix anything. Oh right they "privitized" hospital cleaning, well it wasn't cleaning by cleaners, it was cleaning by R.N.s because patients couldn't use the shit covered toilets. Then of course they had all those patients die at Burnaby General of Il Dificle.
Yes, lets bring that back. The Brits voted for another party to form government today. No wonder, their health care is worse than ours and they have the two teired system. Its working wonderfully. Private clinic, your going to be O.K. Public hospital, you and your baby have a good chance of dying or you dying in the E.R. Not enough mid wives, lack of doctors, Yes, by all means lets have a two tiered system. During COVID, some private hospitals in the U.S.A. closed because they couldn't make enough money because they couldn't do surgeries.
"unleash the power of private-sector innovation" Does he and his side kick have any e.g.s of that. Its not working in the U.S.A. All that "innovation" in those private American hospitals has given the U.S.A. one of the highest death rates for babies and pregnant women, women giving birth, and in the year after giving birth. Do the Cons know how they are going to "innovate" their way to ensuring people can get their kidney transplants or will the kidneys go to private hospitals first and who get all that other equipment?
enough of this rant, time to figure out the rest of my life.
The BC Conservatives gaining popularity has more to do with the NDP abandoning everything except metro (vote rich) Vancouver.
There can be no buyer's remorse with Eby because he was never elected premier, meanwhile back in VisionistaLand, Ken Sim is generating a tidal wave of voter's remorse.
The NDP playbook has always been about defunding regional schools and healthcare to fund their pet mega projects in Metro Vancouver.
A good friend is waiting for a much needed hip replacement for several years and he has been all but told, if you are not a member of the NDP, you will be at the bottom of the list.
Sorry, but it is the NDP that created Rustad and now we must live with it.
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