Thursday, November 14, 2024

He's A Sawmill Worker For F*ck's Sakes.


Go read Beer on Horgan.




Evil Eye said...

My first job after high school, in fact the afternoon shift after writing my last provincial exam, was "pulling chain" at Eburne sawmills.

I was the seventh and last generation of "Eye's" to work in the forest industry. My father was a graduate UBC forester; my great grand dad was a mill manager at both Chemainus and Genoa Bay Sawmills and before that, they were loggers from Minnesota; and before that Ontario and before that Nova Scotia, cutting pit props for the mines.

Sadly the forest industry is dead and all what is left is international companies scouring the lands for "fibre" either to make do-dads we don't need in China or fueling power plants in Europe.

I will not say any more as I was taught not to nay-say the dead.

Trailblazer said...

Lumber is flying high nowadays!

Whilst sawmills close
Log sorts grows.
The saw mills of Harmac and Port Alberni have been emptied and flattened only to be replaced by export log sorts.
Just as with fishing we are destroying a truly "renewable" resource.
I'm sure John Horgan would have had fun with the concept of a wooden starship Enterprise!

e.a.f. said...

Read it. It explains Horgan's personality, his genuine caring for people and the great smile he had.
Couldn't stop laughing when he and Weaver pulled up in that electric vehicle. Great way of making an announcement without saying anything.
John Horgan was a great Premier because he was a great guy/human being. Never got the impression he took himself so seriously that he thought he was more important than the people of the province. The world will be a little sadder without him in it.