Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Their Own Reality.


The above is from the fine folks at Ipsos via Mike the fellow biologist:

I bring it up in the here and now to give reader E.E. their due regarding their take on how things got this way:

...Blame it on a decaying American educational system and 40 years of Reganomics, and the decline of the middle class, especially in the USA...

E.E.'s comment is backed by a quote from way back in 2002 that was never quite confirmed to have come from Bush the Younger's chief propagandist Mr. Karl Rove:

"(W)hen we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do"

The point?

They, meaning all manner of Republicans, not just the Trumpian manosphereisterians of the moment, started building this thing that that destroys people's ability to view reality for what it actually is a long, long time ago.


And, yes, I did go to that very fine ear worm in the kicker, above.



Evil Eye said...

After a serious illness and near death experience a long time recuperating, I decided to try to understand the American politcal situation. I perused the net I followed 3 right wing and 3 left wing blogs. I soon found out that the 3 right wing blogs were just hate filled nonsense peddling extreme views, while adoring Trump.

I now think these blogs were Russian in origin as they all have disappeared off the net.

After 11 years, I have a less than working opinion of the America politic and it isn't pretty.

To condense it into a manageable opinion one falls in the "generalities trap" but from what I can see, the right wing politic in the USA live in a closed world of stilted history, invented history, and fake history, which combined provides a dangerous and ignorant view of the world.

The left also suffers from a myopic view of things but at least they tend to be open minded.

One thing is clear, the American education system is slowly being perverted to become a 'rote' system where students only memorize given facts and do not or are not allowed to think. Logic is almost unknown, except for elite schools, which are training grounds for future politcal acolytes.

As an amateur student of history, i find far too many straight lines from a Adolph Hitler to a one Donald Trump and i am afraid those straight lines are pointing directly to a politcal fiasco in the USA, which sadly will have evil outcomes.

If one steps back and look at American politics from afar, their decline started right after the Kent State Outrage, where an out of control militia murdered four students without any consequences.

It now seems that Trumps criminal counts are going to be vacated as his near treasonous behavior with state secrets.

The take away for me is, American law is nothing more than a wet noodle, with justice is based on income and not criminal acts; judges can be and are bought, and the politcal system is so weak that it cannot deal with a coup d'etat. Even the present president could, according to the supreme Court, have Trump liquidated, but he won't and Trump will, no fear of that.

So start combining everything, we soon see how the USA has gotten to the present state of a new Trump government of psychopaths, of psychopaths, for psychopaths.

Dr. Beer N. Hockey said...
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GarFish said...

There's always been a movement in the USA to keep the majority of the population sick, stupid, and poor. They are more easily controlled that way. There's one rule for us and one for them, it's the mudsill theory of course (first articulated by an American). I was in New Orleans once just before the pandemic, I tried watching their news, I didn't last very long. Lets just say that even by Canadian standards, the quality of their media was abominable, little more than indoctrination and brainwashing. Chomsky is right.

Evil Eye said...

I hear you, I can't watch FOX news or more truthfully, FOX Entertainment, as my brain hurts from the lies and alternative facts and pure hate.

I wonder if Trump has designs on Canada or is Canada just a name that he has forgotten in his demented brain.

Grant G said...

Matt Gaetz......Trump's new Attorney General....?


JP said...

Bring in the clowns